Review Summary: Raw, unrelenting annihilation force fed in a fist full of sludge drenched power-grind.
Within the realm of extreme music, seeing an album hailed as “the soundtrack to the apocalypse” is pretty common. It’s basically meaningless these days. I still feel Hatred Surge’s “Deconstruct” more than fits this bill. Instead of bringing to mind the glorious, fiery last moments on earth, we get a frantic, cannibalistic hunt through the flooded sewers of a long dead city. It’s raw, unrelenting annihilation. “Deconstruction of all living things” Alex Hughes and Faiza Kracheni chant together on the opening track. That is basically what is in store here.
Hatred Surge’s violent grind is tuned fvcking low; both the bass and guitar have a thick sludgy feel to them. This abrasive attack is made even more potent because of the excellent vocals. Miss Kracheni rages right alongside Hughes delivering some of the most intense vocal attacks in hardcore. The drumming is pretty crushing, even versatile. The blasting is infuriating and the innervated d-beats pounded out without mercy. Dismal walls of stomach churning feedback bring down all hope.
“Dark Circles” has a very catchy tremolo picked riff and some super heavy blasting. That track leads into another one of the top tracks “The Slithering”. The vocals are absolutely vicious on this track and the riff has a killer groove. This album doesn’t let up, from the somber hypnosis of “Deconstruction Pt 1” to the thrashy solo at the end of “Infinity”. Like most power violence and grind, only a few songs go past the two minute mark and the album does seem to end pretty quickly. “Deconstruction” is still one of the best recent offerings in this style and shouldn’t be overlooked by fans of the unholy grind, crust and power violence trinity.