Red Sparowes
The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein...



by bodiesinflight57 USER (14 Reviews)
April 6th, 2010 | 13 replies

Release Date: 2010 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Err, what happened to the song titles?

It’s difficult for a post-rock band to stand out these days. This is a genre notoriously over saturated yet still capable of producing more than its fair share of gems. One of these gems is Red Sparowes, whom, perhaps unfairly, are probably best known for having featured members of Isis and Neurosis among their ranks. For those familiar with their catalogue they are also well known for their incredibly long song titles (e.g. “Finally, As That Blazing Sun Shone Down Upon Us, Did We Know That True Enemy Was the Voice of Blind Idolatry; and Only Then Did We Begin to Think for Ourselves”). Incredibly long and fairly annoying it is fair to say. At first glance then, the fact that this new record by the band has the longest album title in the quintet’s history perhaps does not bode well. However this is an album populated with perfectly reasonable titles; “A Swarm” or “In Every Mind” for example.

Now it may not matter to you how long the song titles are. You may, quite correctly of course, take the view that a ridiculously long title is not going to deter you from listening to music you like. But it is important to this record, if only as a sign that this is a band that has evolved. Whilst the two albums preceding this were post-rock of a perfectly acceptable standard there was always the feeling that there was an explosion of consistent quality on the horizon and this record is it. It isn’t life-changing, nor is it scene-changing (which would perhaps be more impressive) but it does show a group of musicians who have trimmed off the fat from previous releases to create a more cohesive and more enjoyable whole. Whereas in the past a Red Sparowes song was almost certain to overstay its welcome, now each song is perfectly contained within itself and no shorter nor longer than it needs to be. This is an album that varies from groovy bass (“A Mutiny”) to head bang worthy riffs (“A Hail of Bombs”) without difficulty or any sense of cliché. Throughout the musicianship is of a fine standard with the bass lines not just holding songs together but often taking them to a completely new level whilst the guitars are solid yet always wonderfully textured at the same time, giving songs such as closer “As Each End Looms and Subsides” the truly epic feel they deserve.

This is surely going to end up as the best post-rock album of the year. It may well be the only one that cunningly avoids some the most notorious traps of the genre with its cleanly presented, sleek songs and the quality of the songwriting is in no doubt either; each song flows perfectly naturally and, most refreshingly, no song leaves you underwhelmed due to length or repetitiveness. If you have totally lost faith in post-rock, have given up on the genre, then perhaps you should buy this album. It might just give you hope again.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.5

A great album, it seems that this lot have joined Russian Circles and Mono in making post-rock that's actually really, really good.

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

why does every single post-rock review imply that tHIS IS THE ONE ALBUM THAT DOESNT CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEATH OF A GENRE

then the next one says the same thing

album rules

Staff Reviewer
April 6th 2010


post-rock of a perfectly acceptable standard there was the always the feeling that there was an explosion....

cunningly avoids some the most notorious trap of the genre

notorious traps

Other than that, nice review. You could've gone into a bit more detail about the songs, and the song title lengths comments went on a bit too long, but that's just me

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

why does every single post-rock review imply that tHIS IS THE ONE ALBUM THAT DOESNT CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEATH OF A GENRE

then the next one says the same thing

Maybe 'cause it's not dying, dare i say it : )

But i agree, comparing every post-rock album to the genre itself is getting tedious

This is a good review though! Pos

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Maybe 'cause it's not dying, dare i say it : )

my point exactly. it cant possibly be dying when every single band supposedly 'gives it hope'. that's called a healthy genre.

i'm gonna review this because it's great and i haven't reviewed post-rock since i hyperbole-fapped all over Mono last year so it could be fun.

April 6th 2010


Wasn't expecting much but this was still disappointing. I listened to it twice through but nothing stood out.

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.5

@ Deviant 1769:

Sorry about those. I guess that proves that spell check and proof reading doesn't always solve everything.

April 6th 2010


I agree with Lucidity

Staff Reviewer
April 6th 2010


Sorry about those.

No need to apologise man, just here to help

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

The song titles amount to one big poem:

Truths arise

In illusions of order

A hail of bombs

Giving birth to imagined saviors

A swarm

In every mind

A Mutiny

As Each End Looms and Subsides

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 4.5

Didn't know that, kinda cool

April 6th 2010


Good review kind of, but there really was no need for the first paragraph at all.

April 6th 2010


Album Rating: 3.5

I think this is a brilliant display of post-rock excellency.

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