Review Summary: Italy is the home of many great bands. Vulvectomy are not one of them.
Every once in awhile the music that a band creates will elicit a more or less rankling effect on said band, and it's likely that, should this happen, they will be so inclined to make a radical change to their sound. In many cases, this phenomenon might take shape in the all-familiar form of a band “selling out.” Well, in the aftermath of their first release, Vulvectomy decided that their sound needed to change; that they needed to take one of these radical sonic excursions into unfamiliar and exciting territory. And so, with
Post-Abortion Slut ***, Vulvectomy progresses from Molesting the Decapitated-era Devourment-styled slam, to Unleash the Carnivore-era Devourment-styled slam, and believe it or not, the transition isn't smooth.
Just to provide a better idea of exactly what it is we are dealing with here, this isn't the “Decapitated and Hermetically-Sealed Torso Mutilation” type of brutal death metal; this is the “Fetid Bath in Fermented Vaginal Secretions” brand. Vulvectomy make no effort to include any scintilla of originality in their music, nor do they brandish a single characteristic that would separate them from the hordes of generic slam extant. On
Post-Abortion Slut ***, the listener is met by back-to-back-to-back-to-back slams that are almost completely bereft of the penchant groove that slam is supposed to be known for (wiggers probably can't even throw down to the majority of them, if that explains it better). With that said, the first song on the album is fairly good slam, but that can be attributed to its more primitive direction, where the rest of the album is plagued by poor imitations of Devourment riffs. Every once in awhile the band will break into a riff that sounds like it could have been mined out of Cannibal Corpse's riffuse heap, but even so the band gives no intimation of instrumental prowess.
Post-Abortion Slut *** is simply a let down, and I didn't even enjoy its predecessor. If you're reading this and are one of the five people who worship absolutely everything slam, then you will probably get some enjoyment from this album. At the end of the day however, this is just yet another member of the lifeless, sample-laden, and creatively stagnant variety of music that is polluting the brutal death gene pool.