


by Wizard USER (85 Reviews)
January 6th, 2010 | 104 replies

Release Date: 2001 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Godflesh delivers its last industrial hymn.

Justin Broadrick is man with many faces. To prove this, he is worshiped as a founder of the entire grind genre, releasing Scum in 1987 with Napalm Death. Shortly after, Broadrick quit to form Godflesh and released the quintessential industrialized metal record that blew down doors in 1989 called Streetcleaner. After calling it quits with Godflesh in 2002, Broadrick amazed critics by totally reinventing himself again as a shoegaze, industrialized whatever-you-want-to-call-it band named Jesu. So what’s the point of reiterating Broadrick’s career in a generalized fashion? The point of the matter is to show you how diverse of an artist he has become over time and to also point out how his fanbase has followed and adapted to all of Broadrick’s many changing faces over the years. Unfortunately, if you are just beginning to discover this eccentric, yet focused artist, I fully believe everything else that comes after only reinforces why Godflesh was his best work to date.

Hymns, as a whole, almost feels like a summarization of everything this band has done right up to this point in time, incorporating the mechanical, staccato riffing of Streetcleaner and the jagged, memorable melodies and clean production of Selfless and Pure. What seems to be missing on the vast majority of Hymns are the noisy excursions of Us and Them, which isn’t a bad thing considering Broadrick still knows how to beat you senseless with his mid-tempo, guitar driven assault. Speaking of guitar driven, all thirteen cuts on here pertain to the riff with the odd clean passage popping up here and there where Broadrick revolves his clean vocals around. This is particularly effective in the post-metal effect of “Anthems”, allowing Broadrick to enter into a more spacious mindset which he dabbled with a bit on Selfless. What’s interesting about Broadrick’s power-chord use on Hymns is that he lets the chords ring out a lot more, letting the songs breathe instead of capturing that suffocating atmosphere that his guitar work created on Streetcleaner. Some fans may not take too kindly to this, but you might as well just face the reality of what Broadrick had planned in store for his next band. This could be a reflection of his first experimentations into Jesu, but it’s extremely unlikely that you could mistake the two bands; this is still Godflesh through and through. Want a good example? Listen to the crushing opener “Defeated” for a bi-polar example of old vs. new Godflesh. “Animals” really seems to benefit the most from his two amalgamated sides, coming out as a swinging, proggy beast and showing us that Broadrick has matured so much as an industrial artist.

Although, as great as most of Godflesh’s songs are, sometimes Broadrick’s vocals can become a little grating on the nerves, especially when the pounding music lets up and we find Broadrick repeating a crappy lyric over and over again as if he were trying to capture his audience in a type of trance (“Voidhead”). One particular track really stands out as an ear-sore, mostly for its terrible lyrics and bland song writing (“Vampires”); the filler track that always seems to mess up an amazing album. Another track that seems somewhat out of place is “Antihuman” that is simply a mix of Broadrick’s love for electronic experimenting and metal. It’s not that this is a horrible song, it’s that it feels out of place within the context of the whole.

Leave it to Broadrick to put out such a cold, mechanical album that jars, revolts and puts most industrial metal to shame. If you simply think that he has created another Streetcleaner as his last farewell, the man of many faces will show you how to build on a past sound that includes a few nifty little tricks up the sleeve. This would be the last calling of a now defunct industrial band and you couldn’t ask for a more competent musician to go out on a higher note. One last thing, take note of the end track on here called “Jesu”. A hint perhaps?

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Comments:Add a Comment 
January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Meatplow and Willie, this review is for you two!

Not enough industrial around here lately, too much humping of indie and crap metal. Yet another killer album with no review on this site, jeez!

January 7th 2010


Industrial is NOT my cup of tea. No sir.

good review, pos, keep it up, push a handicapped kid down the stairs, etc....

January 7th 2010


Was just listening to Songs of Love and Hate the other day. I like Broadrick's other project more quite a bit more though.

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

I knew you would say that Crysis hahaha. And I would love to push handicapped kids down stairs.

Balls, this is Balls out!

January 7th 2010


Didn't particuarly love that album so probaly wont do more than youtube a song off this.

January 7th 2010


I really am not into godflesh, but good review as usual Karl

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Didn't particuarly love that album so probaly wont do more than youtube a song off this.

Fair enough. Just thought you liked stuff with Balls hahahaha.

Thank you Indomitable.

I don't expect this to get much attention. Oh well, another reason why I just want to step back from reviewing but I can't. So much stuff on this site needs a review.

January 7th 2010


Agree! Since you reviewed this, and generally we have the same tastes i think i'll re-listen and see if i like it more perhaps

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Everything by Godflesh is worth listening to. I'll be honest, when I was getting into alot more metal, I bought this and wasn't fond of it. As years went by and I discovered more accessible stuff in the vein of this, I revisited it and was amazed.

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Godflesh delivers its last industrial hymn.

umm................. oh I get it.

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Corny, stupid lines, which comprises most of my reviews.

January 7th 2010


I'm really loving this band at the moment, especially Streetcleaner and Pure. Great review Wiz, pos.

January 7th 2010


I'm not really into industrial but I'm always open to new things. Is the a good starting point or should I try out some other album first?

January 7th 2010


There is a lot of good music that does warrant a review. I agree completely. You know, I just recently got into Godflesh from a friend of mine and this album is great. Jesu is completely different, but I like both.

January 7th 2010


Awesome stuff man, great review.

Haven't heard this one, Streetcleaner, Pure and the Messiah EP rule face though. I should do a run through of the rest of their discography i've missed out on, i've been concentrating way too much on discovering some of the lesser known first wave industrial rather than some of the bands that came later. There is just too much to cover sometimes ;]

I'm not really into industrial but I'm always open to new things. Is the a good starting point or should I try out some other album first?

Streetcleaner has more of the feel of minimalist lo-fi metal to me and is often cited as a precursor to post metal, it might be a nice bridge for you. Give it time though, this band demands patience.

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 3.5

I like this album a lot, Anthem and Jesu are my favorites.

It certainly isn't suffocating and paranoid like his earlier Godflesh stuff.

I think you left out a "to" in the first sentence of the last paragraph.

January 7th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks everybody for the feedback.

Jav, I forgot 'to' in that last sentence. Thanks for pointing that out.

September 30th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm digging this album. Great stuff!

February 16th 2012


Album Rating: 5.0

"Hymns, as a whole, almost feels like a summarization of everything this band has done right up to this point in time" - definitley agree there, sir.

February 16th 2012


Album Rating: 4.0

Thanks dude.

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