Max Collins – vocals, bass
Jon Siebels – guitar, vocals
Tony Fagenson – drums, vocals
Eve 6 is one of the deserving but lesser known rock bands. One of their few popular hits was "Here's to the Night" from the album 'Horrorscopes'. This is a really amazing group. Everytime I listen to them, I wonder why they aren't famous.
Okay, It's All In Your Head is their third and last (so far) of their three albums. Personally, I liked the first Eve 6 album more. Both of these are really great cds and if you're a rock or indie fan, pick these cds up. They're that good.
The track by track:
1. Without You Here- Collins sings about a girl that he misses. Really catchy lyrics and a great melody make this song a perfect intro. 5/5
2. Think Twice- Starts out with light cymbals and lyrics about a message to stay off his "girl". Later in the he mentions suicide after seeing her with another guy. this song has an extremely deep chorus and great work on the guitar. 4.5/5
3. At Least We're Dreaming- Probably one of my favorite songs on this whole album. Starts with the bass playing a simple riff (it reminds me of "Beverly Hills" from Weezer) and switches to acoustic. Then the song just explodes at the chorus. The pace changes at exactly the right times and vocals are energetic and powerful. The lyrics are really about the more depressing things in his life ("Live in an apartment that bums me out, it don't get better when the lights go out.") but the chorus turns it around ("At Least We're Dreaming"). 5/5
4. Still Here Waiting- Explodes right from the start. With sarcastic lyrics and a sweet guitar riff, this song is just plain awesome. My only complaint is the length (2:15). 4.5/5
5. Good Lives- The first slower song. The lyrics are extremely meaningful, talking about wanting to just have a happy life before he's old. This song has great drums which really makes this song flow really well. 4/5
6. Hey Montana- A really slow song. I'm not quite sure what he's even talking about here. It sounds like only a tambourine and acoustic guitar are in this song. More instruments come in later like the bass drum and piano. This song is pretty lengthy (about 5 minutes) but somehow manages to not get repetetive. I have to give it credit. 3/5
7. Bring the Night On- There's nothing i really want to point out for this song. It's good. It has the standard Eve 6 kikass chorus, the great riff. It's no worse than any other song on this album but also no better. 3.5/5
8. Friend of Mine- Well, the lyrics are about a friend of his (duh) wanting to kill herself. He treis to convince her to hang on though. Lyrics are amazing ("Friend of mine, stay alive, don't you leave me here" ) . It's a more upbeat song than it should be though. 3.5/5
9. Girlfriend- Okay, fact is, this song blows. The intro sounds like Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) from Green Day. The lyrics are lame, the chorus is unimpressive, and the guitar just doesnt flow with the drums. My least favorite song on the album. 1.5/5
10. Not Gonna Be Alone Tonight- A really weird change of pace at the wrong time. Of course, anything is welcomed after 'Girlfriend'. This song lacks a powerful chorus and it has some dumb lyrics. It adds some "diversity" to the album but it's just not too good of a song. 2.5/5
11. Hokis- The final headbanging song on the album, Hokis has a hard-hitting chorus with some clever lyrics and great riffs. this is a good song with tons of energy. 4/5
12. Arch Drive Goodbye- The last song on the album, and much like the first it's the perfect song in the perfect place. It starts slower with a cool chorus but 2 minutes in changes pace and just makes for the perfect rockin' ending. 5/5
I'm not biased in anyway for this band and it just wouldnt feel right to give these songs that are amazingly constructed anything below what I gave them. Again I'm not a fanboy, it's just that good. If you ever see this album, you should seriously pick it up. No rock fan will be dissapointed.
Final Album Rating: 4.5/5