
Full Devil Jacket
Full Devil Jacket



by SkinneeJay USER (9 Reviews)
July 18th, 2009 | 7 replies

Release Date: 2000 | Tracklist

Many Nu-Metal band had some sort of gimmick to attract crowds. Generally, it's a good thing since it gives them personality. Korn were creepy, Limp Bizkit had fun and Linkin Park got angry over Hip-Hop beats. Some gimmicks failed to sell, like Five Pointe O which decided to get a little more progressive. Along comes Full Devil Jacket. Full Devil Jacket don't got much of a gimmick, yet they are able to stand out among other generic Nu-Metal bands like From Zero or Lifer.

Enter Full Devil Jacket, their self-titled debut and sadly only album. With an album title like that, you might expect the band to go on an angst rampage. Suprisingly, they don't. One of the things that make Full Devil Jacket more notable is the lack of angst. Yes, there are heavy mid-tempo tracks ("Fastblack") and fast-paced loudfests such as "Stain". However, they feel more like musical ideas rather than a post from a teenager's blog. This is achieved mainly thanks to Josh Brown's vocals. His clean vocals tend to be soft and gentle, somewhat similar to God Lives Underwater's "From Your Mouth". It also leads to Full Devil Jacket's bigges strength: Ballads.

Ballads in Modern Rock albums mostly serve as "Here, a different song, let's rock again now". In Full Devil Jacket's case, it allows Josh Brown to fully shine. They also have a much more emotional punch than the harder songs, especially "Monster" which transmists the outcast feeling successfully. "Where Did You Go?" has a more acoustic feel to it, while the album closer "Cardboard Believer" aims for a more epic direction. Both ballads work because the songwriting is good, but mainly because Brown's vocals simply suit his ballads more than his hard songs.

Another notable thing about Full Devil Jacket is the lack of catchy hooks. In this kind of music, hooks are mostly a necessity. The only song here that has a catchy hook is "Blue Green Day". You can sing along to some of the tracks, like "Love Song", and "Now You Know", but these songs don't have that kind of hook that's good for the radio. The result is that there is more focus on texture and atmosphere. A good example is the afromentioned "Now You Know" and "Fastblack" with its menacing feel. The texture gives the song an extra punch, improving the emotions in the ballads and making the hard songs sound more interesting.

Full Devil Jacket's only weakness is that the record feels a little unfocused in places, and Brown's screaming is a little underwhelming. These problems are really minor, because through the 12 tracks, there is no really bad song. All songs are worth listening more than once, and some are brilliant. Also, for a band that relies on vocals, there are still attempts at the instrumental section. They're not very technical, but the opening riff to "Stain" is great and the musical backdrop for the ballads gives the needed effect. Full Devil Jacket is an album for anyone interested in good modern rock, and a pretty important album for a Nu-Metal collection. Recommended.

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July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Fuck. I forgot to add best songs:

- Wanna Be Martyr

- Where Did You Go?

- Blue Green Day

- Monster

July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 2.0

Wanna Be Martyr is good. Mr. Wiggly is a breath of fresh air because FINALLY we hear some screams out of the guy. Didn't think he had it in him, really!

Rest is meh. Where Did You Go is much too sappy.

Good review, I myself thought of reviewing this at some point. Now that you have, I might do it, too, to contrast my (more unfavourable) opinion with yours.

July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

From all of the hard songs, "Mr. Wiggly" is the best. The Wax Box EP version is better, however. It doesn't contain the useless girl sounds and isn't censored. I can get you that EP if you want.

I'm looking forward to your review.

July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 2.5

i used to love this record when it came out/ when i loved nu metal

July 18th 2009



July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

I like this cd a lot, but don't agree with the review that much. I prefer heavier tracks to mellow ones. Josh Brown is a very good versatile vocalist. Wanna Be Martyr, Fastblack, Blue Green Day and Stain ftw.

September 12th 2021


Album Rating: 3.5

Where did you go rules

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