
Misery Signals
Of Malice and the Magnum Heart



by driftingx USER (1 Reviews)
July 17th, 2005 | 1937 replies

Release Date: 2004 | Tracklist

This full length CD marks the beginning of a band with endless potential. Misery Signals was born from loss. Kyle Johnson [bass] and Ryan Margan [guitar] were both in the band 7 Angels 7 Plagues. After Cuauhtemoc Rios left the band. Jesse Zarkasa auditioned for the roll of vocalist but was passed over by Matthew Mixon for the Full Length album Jhazymnes Lullaby. Soon after that 7a7p broke up. Leaving Kyle and Ryan with nothing as they had quit everything to make that band work. They were still hungry to create music.

Before that Jesse Zarkasa was driving to a show with his band Compromise when they were struck by a drunk driver killing Jordan Wodehouse and Daniel Langlois. Jesse was soon on the search for a new band to front. Soon he hooked up with Misery Signals. Produced by Strapping Young Lad's Frontman Devin Townsend. 'Of Malice and the Magnum Heart' seems to be the best Hardcore Album released in 2004.

The lyrics revolve around the sorrow of loss and the feeling of betrayal. But they prove to come to a more positive end. To me one of the most meaningful lyrics they have are in "In Respone to Stars" stating, 'With Determination we all must move on. With Determination we all must live on.' If you listen to the cd with headphone on you can tell that vocals are recorded twice and each vocal track is panned to one ear. There are very slight differences in each ears

They effectively meld sorrow and anger in a way that makes you want to mosh and weep and the same time. They use great melodies in all their songs that never seem to repeat.

Track-By-Track Summary
01. A Victim, A Target 5/5
A Great opener. Very Repeatative. but the use of an acoustic guitar over a brutal guitar riff makes the song have a very dark feel too it. Excellent way to grip you into what is to come.

02. In Response to Stars 4/5
Misery Signals gives you no time to comprehend what you just heard. Lead very strongly by double-bass. At the first listen it seems like chaos. but there are some crazy breaks leading into melodic guitar riffs that come out of no where.

03. The Year Summer Ended in June 5/5
Still barely any rest for the listener. Not much to say about this song. Melodic riffs along with Powerful vocals bring this song to life. Showing raw emotion describing a painful memory.

04. The Summary Of What I Am 5/5
This track's main beauty comes from the guitar riffs in the chorus. Then at 2:30min you are hit with a breakdown no other Hardcore band has matched. Clean guitar riffs with a backing simple bass line is a departure from the fast riffs seen throughout this cd. It continues to impress the listeners.

05. The Stinging Rain 4/5
My love for this song comes at about 2 minutes into the track. Where the deep drumming backs Jesse's deep speaking voice. Then the guitar shows a beautiful riff when the screaming starts again. For me it doesnt wow me as much as the other tracks. With Matthew Mixon backing up vocals.

06. Worlds and Dreams 5/5
This track is the best track by far on the cd. Breaking away from the intensity of Misery Signals previous tracks. Worlds And Dreams proves that a hardcore band can put together music that anyone can listen to. Ambient words in the background. along with a Powerful yet simple bass line. Superclean guitars with incredible drumming. The Guitar lines used in this song being looped and overdubbed make this an even more powerful song then all of the cd. This song is an instrumental breakdown for the entire cd. They played this song live when i saw them at the House of Blues with none other than their producer Devin Townsend's band, Strapping Young Lad.

07. Murder 4/5
Misery Signals comes back to the plate with Melodic Guitar riffs and powerful vocals. The drumming in the Intro is quick and very good. I cant describe this track without saying the same thing. Excellent breakdowns. beautiful guitar riffs. The thing that stands out about this track (if you are a fan of 7 Angels 7 Plagues) is at the end when he quotes Farewell to a Perfect Score, the first track of 7a7p's Full Length album Jhazmynes Lullably.

08. On Account of an Absense 5/5
Opening with excellent drumming this track catches your attention but the same with all the other tracks. its amazing. Many Musical twists and turns

09. Five Years 5/5
This song starts out in chaos. It has the best outro on the cd. Although the song seems to continue in chaos, you hear some great melodics come around time after time.

10. Difference Between Vengance and Wrongs 5/5
This song is about all of their musical greatness in 5:55min. The Verse is singing, and the chorus is singing backed by Zarkasa's powerful scream. Riffs backing the vocals with intense drumming. the Intro and Outro are the best part of the track is at 3:25min when Brendan Morgan puts out the best drumm fills on the album.And best of all. if you have the cd on repeat it will fade into the first track. proving that this cd will never end.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
July 18th 2005


Not the flawlesss CD you're making it out to be, but it's definitely a good mixture of brutality and melody, without seeming like generic metalcore.

July 18th 2005


Awesome CD.

July 18th 2005


You rated a song "10/5". Your review is automatically discredited.

July 23rd 2005


Difference of Vengeance and Wrongs is the best song. So beautiful

October 10th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

Just heard these guys. About the most original sound I've heard from a metalcore band in a while.

October 14th 2005


great cd, i agree with the amount of potential these guys have.
great review to. and agreed with prophecy.

December 6th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

The guitar outro of five years is the most incredible thing I've ever heard. I get goosebumps when I hear it.

Dancin' Man
December 22nd 2005


Album Rating: 2.5

Ewww. I can;t stand this, it's boring toughguy stuff with some melody. I really can't stand toughguy hardcore because it all sounds the same to me, this from a person who gives all music a chance.

Now Misery Index is another story.This Message Edited On 12.22.05

December 22nd 2005


This is not tough guy hardcore.

Dancin' Man
December 22nd 2005


Album Rating: 2.5

it's still boring.

December 24th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

Your opinion.

xFor Shadowsx
February 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

I picked up this album at Media Play because they were going out of business and all CDs were like 80% off so I ended up buying this for 3 bucks. Amazing album. The vocalist recently left and Im considering auditioning. Great review. Stinging Rain is my favorite track on the album.

March 14th 2006


Great review man. This album IMO is perhaps one of the best mixtures of sound I've heard in a while. I love the breakdowns in the middle of the songs and especially Worlds and Dreams, incredible album let's just hope the new singer lives up to the old.

Dancin' Man
March 14th 2006


Album Rating: 2.5

I like it better than I did but I still think it's boring.

August 16th 2006


Bahhh new Misery Signals


August 25th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

The one two punch of The Stinging Rain and Worlds and Dreams is one of my favorite transitions on any cd.

I'd have bought it alone for Worlds and Dreams. I don't think I'd get bored of or be dissapointed if they went in that direction for an entire cd, pulling an Opeth - Damnation.

I sometimes forget to listen to the rest of the cd.This Message Edited On 08.25.06

August 25th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

I adore this album again at the moment, I somewhat disowned it for a long time, but hearing the new stuff has reminded me how good this record is.

As Felon said, not perfect but amazing potential and very solid.

February 2nd 2007


five years is the best metalcore song ive heard lately
im gonna try and buy this soon
that is as soon as i get a f**king JOB

March 27th 2007


I can't believe they played Worlds and Dreams live...

too bad they wont play a victim, a target

August 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

i listened to this again for the first time in ages, still has some appeal. might change my rating to a 3.5. i still need to get their newest one.

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