The Fathomless Mastery



by rasputin USER (201 Reviews)
October 9th, 2008 | 385 replies

Release Date: 2008 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Bloodbath fathomlessly master death metal, or so they’d like us to think.

Bloodbath are quite the phenomenon in death metal; somewhat a supergroup, with two members of one of most popular bands in metal (Opeth), there is no surprise as to why they’re huge. Not only this, but the band has made the genre of death metal more accessible, due in part to their well known members and fun-tastic style of death. After teasing us earlier this year with the Unblessing the Purity EP, speculation on their new album, interestingly titled The Fathomless Mastery, has been rampant. However, after finally arriving, it’s safe to conclude that any further speculation is unnecessary; the new Bloodbath is everything I expected it to be. The album is good, fans of the band rejoice, but it unfortunately reeks of over confidence, and although having relatively strong individual tracks it doesn’t really hold one’s interest as an entire album. When listening to The Fathomless Mastery, one can’t help but feel that the band is trying just a little too hard; the subtle joke of death metal that the band is based around never used to be much of a bother, but with The Fathomless Mastery it seems that Bloodbath are literally screaming ‘LOOK AT US PLAY AWESOME DETH METUL’ on every track. Nevertheless, this is a well put together record, and will no doubt appease both fans of the band and lovers of metal in general. It is easy to get into, rather light on the ears in death metal terms, and it has Mikael Akerfeldt in it; what more could you want?

Akerfeldt returns to the Bloodbath LP catalogue with The Fathomless Mastery and is easily the best thing about the album. His gutturals are ridiculously good, and put to shame any calls that were made about his harsh vocals following the release of Opeth’s Watershed. From the second you hear him give a low growl on opener ‘At the Behest of Their Death’, you know that there will be no disappointments concerning the vocals. And suffice to say, this is true; the vocal performance is exemplary throughout the record. Martin Axenrot, of recent Opeth fame, is perhaps the polar opposite of Akerfeldt on the album. There was a great deal of speculation and even criticism surrounding his position in Opeth, more specifically that he would not compare to ex-drummer Martin Lopez. Nevertheless, his performance on Watershed was rather good, perhaps only due to the influence of his environment. Said criticisms of his drumming however, come very much into light with The Fathomless Mastery, which contains a very lacklustre and uninspired effort behind the kit. He is a technical drummer, but in this album’s regard, technicality goes hand in hand with monotony.

Any expectations there might have been of Bloodbath’s two axe men are uniformly fulfilled on The Fathomless Mastery, with some tastefully nasty riffs spread across the album, punctuated by occasional moments of doom inspired melody: in a nutshell, typical Bloodbath. However, and inexplicably so, the album simply drags in so many places. Certain tracks stand out, but on a whole the album is seemingly a chore to get through. A track like ‘Iesous’, simply an above average song, is sufficient on its own, but given in the context of 10 other very similar songs, it just doesn’t bode well for Bloodbath. Varied as they may seem, the tracks are not all that different from each other, and you may not notice it at first or even at all, but it definitely shows in the number of times I was bored when listening to The Fathomless Mastery. It remains fathomless as to why this is so, yet it greatly detracts from any long term enjoyment of the album.

I’ll admit I have been rather critical of the album. It is a good album, and can be a lot of fun, but eventually you have to ask yourself why it is that you’re getting bored with something that shouldn’t be boring you. Whether it was the tiresome drumming, or the occasional recycled riff, it was all just too samey to keep my attention. Don’t be mistaken in thinking this is a bad record though; there is plenty of good to be found on here, starting with, but not limited to, Akerfeldt’s performance. A few tracks such as ‘Mock the Cross’ have an addictive quality to them, but sometimes an album needs to be more than just a bunch of songs thrown together. It might pay to stop and think that perhaps treating Bloodbath more seriously is something we all should be doing. Maybe it was just me that didn’t think this album was that amazing, but it would do you good to go into The Fathomless Mastery not expecting a fathomless mastery of death metal, but rather something a little less self-promoting; the title is somewhat misleading.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
October 9th 2008


Eh, I think I talked about Opeth too much. Probably not my best review, I might make a few changes.

October 9th 2008


A 3? really? I rather enjoyed this.
btw Legolas did a good job on the drums.

October 9th 2008


That was quite a pun-tastic summary...I'll probably give this a listen even though I haven't been to big on death metal lately...I'm just a sucker for Akerfeldt though...anways great revyoo d00d :thumb:

October 9th 2008


I might lower it to a 2.5, I've just listened to a lot better death metal than this. I'm no expert on drums, but I thought they were boring.

I'm just a sucker for Akerfeldt though

he's fantastic on this album, so check it out just for thatThis Message Edited On 10.09.08

October 9th 2008


I'm no expert on drums, but I thought they were boring.

Yeah, if his performance on this is reflective of his performance on Watershed I would expect nothing less...he's not bad, just nowhere near as creative as Lopez was behind the kit...

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 2.5

excellent review...if akerfelt's the best part this probably isn't an album for friends really dig it tho so im sure i'll listen...really liked the conclusion

October 9th 2008


Its fitting on this album though.

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 2.5

Ehhhhh... I disagree. I've heard this and I think this album is pretty damn awesome.

October 9th 2008


Listening to a few tracks off the MySpace...the instrumental aspects aren't that great but Akerfeldt is a beast...

October 9th 2008


I thought this was great.

Good review though.

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

I think your criticism gets in the way of reality with death metal. Example being:

Whether it was the tiresome drumming, or the occasional recycled riff, it was all just too samey to keep my attention.

I mean, what do you expect with dm. It's all about the album as a whole and how it stands up to the genre (at least thats the impression I'm under when I rate dm albums). This is just one minor negative but I will admit, I haven't heard this in it's entirety. The few tracks I have heard were amazing. Other then that, this is probably the best review you've ever written. Everything just flows so well and I really enjoy how you examined this album from every instruments standpoint without being too in depth about how 'THE GUITARZ WERE THE SHITZ'! VERY NICE RASPUTIN!

October 9th 2008


haha thanks wiz. I get what you're saying about it just being death metal, but I've listened to a lot of death metal albums that do keep my attention throughout, and this doesn't compare to those. That's my reasoning anyway.

October 9th 2008


I just can't stand death metal in general anymore tbh...its one of the more closed minded genres to just seems like there's an unwritten rule that death metal has to be done an exact way and anything that deviates from the norm is more or less shunned by the genre as a whole...This Message Edited On 10.09.08

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

but I've listened to a lot of death metal albums that do keep my attention throughout, and this doesn't compare to those. That's my reasoning anyway.

Your opinion is always going to trump mine so I will take your word for it hahaha.

its one of the more closed minded genres to just seems like there's an unwritten rule that death metal has to be done an exact way and anything that deviates from the norm is more or less shunned by the genre as a whole...

Thats why Death Metal purists are faggots!

October 9th 2008


Second only to the tr00 kvlt BM fgts This Message Edited On 10.09.08

October 9th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

Opeth purists are fags too hahahahaha ;)!

October 9th 2008


Most metal purists are fags. On the other hand, most people who don't like metal because it's supposedly just noise are also fags. Conclusion - metal elitists are fags. non-metal elitists are fags & so music elitists are, therefore, fags.

October 9th 2008


Could have just said elitism in general.

October 9th 2008


Self elitism is fun, I don't know what you ladies are babbling about. Kidding but nice review homes. Sounded pretty good from what i've heard so far of course I love stockholm death in general though.

October 9th 2008


Could have just said elitism in general.

Oh fo' sho'

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