
At the Drive-In
This Station Is Non-Operational



by Justanothernimrod USER (38 Reviews)
June 19th, 2005 | 28 replies

Release Date: 2005 | Tracklist

At the drive-in-This Station is Non Operational

There’s a pattern shaping. Every four or so years, a truly influential band turns up, and changes everything. Most recent Examples of this should be Nirvana, Fugazi (for Sharpie), and Refused. The latest band to be added to this list is At the Drive-in, who over 2000 and 2001 changed everything, again. Their own brand of hardcore/pop/rock made the world listen and start copying them. Also like these other bands, (bar Fugazi) they ended at their prime. This also means we’re due for another band to be added to this list within the next 12 or so months, the bookies favourite currently sitting at Biffy Clyro.

At the drive-in created ‘Post-Hardcore’, called this mainly because they were best thing since Hardcore legends Refused, but turning their music into something challenging again. At a time where the fickle were listening to Nu-Metal, the actual music fans were listening to At the Drive-in, Naturally, this meant At the Drive-in had to end, and exploit itself as something big; see Mars Volta.

This album could actually have everyone’s own perceptions. It is NOT a greatest hits album, but an anthology, a mix of best, rare, remixed and covers over the band’s five year history. Missing out debut album ‘Acrobatic Tenement’ all together, this begins with a fantastic intro from the ‘El Gran Orgo’ ep, ‘Fahrenheit’ is an early example of what an exiting, original and innovative band At the Drive-in would become. While the critically acclaimed ‘In/Casino/Out’ album gets the biggest exposure with four songs and a b-side, most notably the scream along punk antics of ‘Pickpocket’. Their first demonstration of an actual single however comes from ‘Vaya’, as proved on the additional DVD. “Metronome Arthritis” was the first single to earn itself a video and any sort of exposure. It is at first a slightly droning, sludgy song where you’re not quite sure is going to happen, all until the fantastic breakdown kicks in and draws you in. All these would prove as evidence as to what was to come.

The stuff that didn’t make the albums are very good stuff too. ‘Rascuache’ being an electro/reggae remix of a b-side from one of they many split E.P’s. More interesting still is the finale, a cover of Pink Floyd’s early, obscure song ‘Take Thy Stethoscope and Walk’ which is possibly put at the end as a indication of things to come; see Mars Volta.

But it was still going to be hard to predict that this group of slightly pretentious kids was going to come up with ‘Relationship of Command’, or more importantly ‘One Armed Scissor’ The band themselves might not agree, but there is no doubting that ‘One Armed Scissor’ is the essential At the Drive-in song. Not to take away from their other brilliant work, but that song is what changed everything, this generations “New Noise” or even “Smells like Teen Spirit”. It blasts in with a catchy chorus/guitar line, off beat verses that just pull you in, and vocals so passionate you can’t help but love it. And you want proof? It’s in the albums title.

This is a special collection. Only At the Drive-in could choose how to promote the music. They specially picked the best songs that would really show why they were such an important band, rather than just soullessly picking the singles they released, including an incentive to buy it (the b-sides, rare songs, covers and videos) and fantastic artwork, photography. It is the ultimate At the Drive-in package, and really should turn any music enthusiast into a fan.

Adam Turner-Heffer.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
June 19th 2005


By far the best 'compliation' cd that will come out this year. If you havent heard of this band...do yourself a favor, pick this up, then be prepared to drop some cash for their other albums, cause they are that damn good. period.

June 19th 2005


Album Rating: 2.5

i give it a 2.5/5

it's a decent album.

Mannequin Republic
June 21st 2005


dissapointing dvd

Original Reginal
June 21st 2005


eeh, nothing i didnt already have...i guess its good though

July 26th 2005


great album, but the dvd was a joke

August 5th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

yah dissapointing dvd

August 11th 2005


"Rascuache" isn't a b-side, it's on the Vaya EP. I'm not sure what "Initiation" is doing near the end of this compilation, since it's from the first album. Are you sure you've got the track list right?

EDIT: Hmm, my bad. It's actually a really goofy remix. Also, that one song is "198d" not "1986." I guess even allmusic makes mistakes sometimes This Message Edited On 08.10.05

August 28th 2005


I just bought this yesterday. It's great, what else do you expect from ATDI?

I still prefer the actual albums though.

December 10th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

ATDI smiths cover got me into the smiths and initiation demo > album version IMO

January 21st 2006


At a time where the fickle were listening to Nu-Metal, the actual music fans were listening to At the Drive-in,

That line was a little condescending, but otherwise your review is good.
I've only heard the CD so far, and I like it a lot. I'll give a rating when I buy an original copy of it.

February 5th 2006


ATDI have been one of my favorite bands since I got "relationship of command" in high school and I think anyone interested in the band should start with that album. The writer is a little off comparing ATDI 'one armed scissor' to 'smells like team spirt' (? ) seeing as nirvana launched a worldwide musical movement with there single. ATDI inspired many emo-teens and mall punks alike. Not really on the same level. The DVD sucks. 2 / 5

February 14th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

This is a great collaboration for a great band, bottom line.

March 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

I think this is a pretty good CD, but i came across ATD-I from the opposite end i asn't really into much music at all until about a year or so after they split, then i got into The Mars Volta when their first record came out in 2003 and after buying Frances The Mute two years later finally decided to get round to investigating ATD-I and bought this when it came out. I think it's a great introduction to the band, if you have no previous knowledge of them.

March 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

sorry double post by accidentThis Message Edited On 03.04.06

March 14th 2006


this band changed my life,but some of the song choices on this are a bit sceptical.there's very little off relationship(and non-zero possibility is on the cd,which IMO is the worst song by far on R.O.C)

but the songs picked off in-casino-out are fairly perfect...a good compilation for an incredible band.PEOPLE JUST BUY THEIR ALBUMS SEPARATELY.there's too many amazing songs left out on this compilation.It will be very much worth it,i can assure you.This Message Edited On 03.14.06This Message Edited On 03.14.06This Message Edited On 03.14.06

Two-Headed Boy
March 20th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

I just bought this, and screw the Mars Volta, this is Cedric and Omar's best work by far.

Full Collapse299
May 7th 2006


Should I get this, if I really have everything else by them? I don't care about the DVD, with their albums I have 13 out of the 18 songs already, so is it worth it?

May 10th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

I wouldn't really recommend anyone buy this... Omar and Cedric don't own the ATD-I songs anymore, every penny of this goes to Fearless records

June 29th 2006


i just bummed this off a friend today... havent listened to it yet.

good review, btw

August 10th 2006


i dont like compilations at all.
im gunna get all there albums.
and not download them
buy them with cash.

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