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Sellout. The mere word sends chills down any music lover’s spine. Fakes. Frauds. Puppets of the music industry. Since the dawn of time, «financially conscious» bands have earned the loathing of countless generations of music aficionados.
This is why it is so strange to see a band admit to being sellouts as openly as Linkin Park. In fact, up until this point in time, the band have duly played along with all their recording company’s money-making schemes. Way back before 25-minute albums were sold for $20 (*cough* Jay-Z *cough*) they employed the age-old trick of releasing a «live» album. Hence «Live in Texas».
«Live in Texas» was recorded live (duhhh) in Dallas, Texas (double duhhh) during LP’s hugely successful «Summer Sanitarium Tour» with Metallica. Despite the fact that a huge portion of the audience was actually there for Metallica, Linkin Park were not intimidated and went forth to captivate the crowd.
So did they? Yes. And is this a good live album? Well…no. Not really.
Everybody knows Linkin Park are a far too mechanized band. Everybody’s heard of their emotionless «live» shows, where they merely replay their albums in detail. Heck, there are even rumours bass man Phoenix is playbacking. These stories may or may not be true, but the fact is this album serves up some more fuel for the fire.
To begin with, not all the songs in the lineup are in the audio CD. Yet there are no interruptions between the tracks. Can you say «overdubs»? Furthermore, the interpretations are far too clean for a live show, and there isn’t A SINGLE mistake in the ENTIRE concert. Are you starting to smell a rat? I thought so.
But probably the most frustrating aspect of this «live» album is the realization that, in fact, Chester cannot sing. Remember those anguished screams he let out in the album version of «Crawling»? Well forget it. On this album, his voice breaks down right after he finishes singing the words «skin» «heal» «fall» and «real», providing what is perhaps the only «live» aspect on this fraud. Plus, on the DVD we can see his eyes are glazed over and the man is clearly stoned. So much for the kid-friendly image…
Another annoying aspect of this album is that it enhances the importance Joe Hahn has in the band. He seems to be omnipresent, and I swear there are times when the band seem to bend to his will, as if he was some all-powerful dictator behind his turntables. This detracts from the oft-publicised «group mentality», and further exposes Linkin Park as a fraud.
Now I’m not one to slag off Linkin Park: in fact, I enjoyed the band’s two original-material albums («Reanimation» sucked, though). But this is in fact a hugely disappointing album. What could have been a unique document of an unforgettable evening (there are in fact beautiful moments, like the crowd singing the chorus to «One Step Closer») winds up being just another scam to make the record company earn a few more bucks. And we, the fans, buy totally into it. Sellouts indeed…
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Pretty good review, and sums up how I feel about the album (from what I've heard), although I don't really like the band anyway. One request though: please could you start uploading a tracklisting when you write your reviews? Otherwise I have to do it, and I'm already going through old reviews, doing that...it's just pretty time-consuming. 
| | | thank you.
i usually fill in the tracklists by hand but this one was too big and i didn't really remember it all.
| | | I hate to admit it, but you're right...:'(
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thank you.
i usually fill in the tracklists by hand but this one was too big and i didn't really remember it all.
Try somewhere like http://www.amazon.com and just copy/paste the tracklisting they give. Make a few minor adjustments, and you should be all set. :thumb: At least it's good value I guess...2 discs and all that.This Message Edited On 05.18.05
| | | feh..one of them is just a DVD...and shitty at that...
| | | This is a really bad review. This is coming from a Linkin Park fan, but what annoys me isn't what you say about the quality of it all. What annoys me is that you are taking such cheap shots. You sasy do don't want to slag off LP, but you do it. To say Joe bends the band like a dictator is just rediculous. And to say Chester is obviously stoned? Pfft. You also complain about Collision Course. Do you realize that that was in no way their idea? Jay-Z is the sellout if anyone is, it was his album.
What I will admit is that the lack of transitions between songs is annoying, and the audio is much too overproduced.
| | | Akira, you need to take a breath. everyone is privledged to their opnion ad this just happens to be theirs. Just because it doesn't agree with you doesn't mean anything, there is still nothing wrong with their views. They could say that Linkin Park is secretly in line with Bitchney Spears, and it wouldn't be considered fraud if they truly believed it.
Now I really like Linkin Park, there good. Sellouts yes, but the music is still good. Well.... on the first cd -coughs- It's a fact that some things just go to musicians heads if they make a lot of money. although I have disagree with the little odd thing that they did to One step Closer. That sounded good.
People can say what they want. It sounded basically the same with a few exceptions. The whole damn point of making a new cd is to have it better then the recorded version, specially if it's live.
| | | I was there. I hate linkin park, so I hated their show, plus it was very long. I missed their first songs because I went for food and to the restroom.
| | | Decent review, but your opening paragraph was pretty biased against the band.
| | | I'm a fan of all kinds of music, especially linkin park, because they have a song for every shitty day you might have lol, and i agree w/ Gauch and Akira. I want to see some proof that LP are sellouts. I highly disagree. I know sellouts when I see em. coughKorncough. But I'm not dissin Korn fans. I like Life Is Peachy. One of the best cds of all time. Now bck to LP. You have no idea what a sellout is. They stay true to what they're doing. Its not like they're calling they're fans a bunch of "Maggots" as slipknot would. wtf does a maggot have 2 do w/ music? So I'm just gonna wrap this up. Understand what ur listening to and try to grasp the words. Then its up 2 u to decided whether or not its good, but to instantly call the band a sellout, get your facts straight. Peace
| | | all hail Bassbeginner, what he has just said is gospel. Linkin Park blow big fat loads and yes they are sell outs in fact i would probably go one step further and say they are a formula band. I also don't think we have to prove anything i think you guys are the ones that have to prove that they haven't sold out because it is obvious they have go listen to some good music.
| | | About the DVD
There should have been way more actual shots of the band playing, not blurry shots of Chester.
The CD was too overproduced, but I think its kinda cool to be able to sound similar live as to studio, as long as you dont rely on a huge basket of prerecorded samples.
Phoenix plays bass, you can hear the clicks of the strings as they hit the frets, particularly obvious on From the Inside.
| | | Gotta say this show disappointed me, i saw them live after meteora was released and they ripped it up, talentless guitars and i hate that DJ dude, but when i saw them Chester could really scream so naturally i was disappointed by his performance on this cd. But hey, can't all be winners i spose.
Not a bad review although i think you're a bit harsh on them. The reason the songs sound exactly like on the album is because they really do have a good live sound, unfortunately they don't change anything live. Not too sure i approve of the chopping and pasting of tracks and skipping some alltogether. But yeah, that's just my two cents, like i said not a bad review.
| | | i don't think i was biased against the band, i love meteora and i love hybrid theory...i just don't like this one.
i know it's «fashionable» to dis linkin park, i'm not doing that. i'm just reaviewing a bad cd by an ok band. and if this review had been on chocolate starfish or the final countdown i prolly wouldn't be getting so much **** about the rating.
but the fact of the matter is : this is a bad «live» cd. it would have been an ok studio album, but the whole point of «live» is to actually be allowed to show mistakes you make. to show you're human, and not a bunch of puppets on strings.
but that's just my two cents anyway. so **** it.
and quit dissin slipknot.
This Message Edited On 05.19.05
| | | Look dude, saying the dvd is bad is fine. I have no problem with that. But going as so far as to say Hahn rules the band like a dictator is just going too far.
| | | This live album sucked, I'm a huge Linkin Park fan but the album is way to glossy to not have been overdubbed, no band can reproduce their studio sounds and albums that good unless they are playbacking, so either they were playbacking or overdubbing afterwards on this album, I'd say the most authentic thing on the album is the crowd noises.
| | | oh and for the record Korn are a bunch of fuckin sellouts and they ruined Another Brick In The Wall...how can you not be a sell out when you write a song called Y'all want a single and release a video for that song that consists of your lame ass band going and smashing an HMV with baseball bats, they're terrible and should be abolished
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BleedNoMore666 your a queer you think korn are a bunch of sellouts then
your ****in stupid they started most of the rock you listen to today and you think
your a metallica fan then your not worth it because metallica is asome and you diss
slipknot which is one of the best bands out there!!!!i just have to sya
BleedNoMore666 your f****** stupid!!!!!!!!!1
Wow... Korn started most of the rock I listen to today? Holy cow! This is new to me I
always thought that Korn was a poster band that really had no effect on music at all.
Silly me. Oh I gotta write this down too: Slipknot=one of the best bands out there.
Gotta log that away in my memory.
Honestly learn how to insult someone and get out and listen to some real music not
just the trash the radio throws down your throat.This Message Edited On 05.20.05
| | | yo society, i agree w/ ur comment, and invisible kid, wtf have u just discovered metallica? invisible kid is an ok song but for the likes of u, wow i bet u could end metallica's grip on the music industry single handedly. tht would suck. u must be pretty young, or u dont play any instrument, seeing as u still like korn. those guys are bullshit, drop tune a 7 string 1 step? i think this is the opposite of cool. listen 2 meshuggah. much heavier, also they utilize a 7+ string guitar quite well.
so b4 u start trying 2 insult me about horrible music, try listening to other music and then compare it. korn is a pussy band. pussy music... 4 pussies
| | | Album Rating: 0.5
Great review. Agreed with every word. I've seen the DVD because my friend used to be a big LP fan, and it didn't sound live at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they recorded this stuff in a studio and overdubbed it. This is seriously a terrible release.
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