Muhammed Suicmez is the brainchild behind this album. He played all guitars by himself, and did the vocals too, as well as programming the drums and bass, no mean feat considering the technicality of the album. Typical death metal growls found here, I really like his style, he articulates his vocals really well. His guitar playing is phenomenal, perhaps the best showcase of this is in "Mutilate the Stillborn". The bass and drums are spot on, but it does help when they are programmed :). The mix is perfect, you can hear every instrument, even the bass is audible throughout. There"s even a couple of bass solos to fit.
Muhammed has an interesting history, though I don"t know much about it. He was a Turkish child, to deeply religious parents (I think) who wouldn"t let him play guitar as a kid. Little did they know, he would go on to make one of the best death metal albums. Ever!
Foul Body Autopsy
The CD opens with the shortest and fastest song on the album. This song is very good, very technical. In the verses, Muhammed is doing solid sweep picks, and his solo is excellent. A great opener.
To Breathe In A Casket
Straight on from "Foul Body Autopsy" with no break, "To Breathe in a Casket" is just as brutal and unrelenting as its predecessor. There is a cool verse riff, in which there are lots of guitar squeals (or something) that make the song sound incredibly frantic. I don"t have any clue how Muhammed programmed the drums in for this, they are freaking insane. Surprisingly, no solo.
Mutilate the Stillborn
The only other short song on the album. This keeps the high tempo up from the start, and about 20 seconds in, he does this incredible solo run on his guitar, which is plain awesome. This song is quite thrashy, with lots of technicality. A bit directionless is the only problem I have with this song. An excellent vocal delivery, probably the best on the album. He growls "Mutilate the stillborn" impeccably. I love the whole ending to this, it gets progressively faster. Good stuff.
Intestinal Incubation
Heh... What a title. Another great song. It"s quite slow in the intro, but dam n groovy. There"s a vocal effect at the start, so he kind of stutters the first syllable three or four times. It sounds cool as. The quality of the drums add a hell of a lot to this track. I don"t really like the second time they play the intro, it"s pretty slow and boring, and yeah. The solo owns, he uses two different guitar tones, so it sounds like there"s two people soloing. It sounds great.
Culinary Hyperversity
Cool as drum intro here, folks. I love the way that he does a run on his guitar and it continues on into the next phrase. Great songwriting. This whole intro is some of the best stuff on the whole album. It"s so technical, and everyone"s doing different things, yet it sticks together. There"s a really good bit at about 2:25, when he arpeggiates a chord (Minor9th I think) it sounds so awesome. There"s a great solo in between the Minor9th things. Great song.
Advanced Corpse Tumor
The next three songs are the highlight of the already incredible album. This song has some crazy, crazy guitar in it. The bass is a highlight too. The guitar solo mixes pace with emotion, it"s one of the best solos in metal. There"s about 10 different riffs in this song, hell, in the solo, the band changes tempo five times! An excellent song, and the ending vocals are great" "Corpse Tumour!"
Extreme Unction
Starts with a cool little bass solo thing. This track is the best of the album, in my opinion. It is flawless. In the other songs, there are little things that don"t make them as great as they could, like getting a little directionless, but this track is plain awesome. In it"s 4:45 it doesn"t get boring once. The main riff is great. It switches between 7/8 and 4/4, much like Led Zeppelin"s The Ocean did. Then there"s another riff, with guitar squeals, that is great. All up, in the intro alone, there is about 5 riffs. The vocals are great, so is the music. You must listen to this track.
Fermented Offal Discharge
Another awesome track. I like Extreme Unction better, but the two tracks are just as good as one another. This one is faster, but leaves most of its melody behind, whilst EU focuses on melody a lot. In the intro, there"s a bass tapping solo!!! How metal is that. The verses are hectic. One thing you will notice is the large amount of vocals. He does quite well on them, so that"s probably a good thing. But, this song is cool, because of the bass solo. The guitar solo is good as well.
You can stream three songs off there, Extreme Unction, Foul Body Autopsy and Advanced Corpse Tumor. Though I haven"t tried it.
You can also download Foul Body Autopsy and Fermented Offal Discharge from the official site,
Recommended tracks:
Foul Body Autopsy
Extreme Unction
Fermented Offal Discharge