7:77 - I Luciferi



by Hewitt USER (7 Reviews)
February 25th, 2008 | 8 replies

Release Date: 2002 | Tracklist

Review Summary: With I Luciferi Danzig has dropped almost all of the industrial elements that moved in after Danzig IV. Fans who were let down with Blackacidevil and Satan's Child should check this out.

Danzig's seventh full length, 777: I Luciferi, was released in 2002 on Danzig's label, Evilive Records, and distributed by Spitfire Records. The album is a return to form since the break up of the original lineup after Danzig IV. Though the sound isn't the same, the quality of the songs are much improved since the lineup disruption. When compared to the couple of CD's before this one, I Luciferi is Danzig's metamorphosis into the beautiful gothic butterfly that he is capable of being. At the beginning, Danzig is a fat little caterpillar with long black hair, covered in blood from mutilating baby birds in their nest all day. When the mother bird comes home, the nefarious Danzig caterpillar sings her Mother from his first release before proceeding to desecrate her. He does this to gather enough energy whereupon he wraps himself in a cocoon with 666 printed on the outside to morph into a bloodthirsty butterfly with a booming Jim Morrison type voice. By the end you are ruminating the beauty of the circle of life and possibly either starting the CD again or watching the Lion King.

The album starts with the instrumental Unendlich which sets the tone for this musical journey immediately. It's slow and eerie and everything you would expect from a Danzig instrumental opener. The second track, Black Mass, chugs along at mid-tempo and this is where things really begin. One thing you'll notice from the start is that the vocals aren't mixed very high. It's almost as if the instruments overtake Glenn's voice at times. For some this will be a blessing as Danzig's vocals are something you either love or you hate. Unfortunately this aspect of the CD makes it appear vocally weak in some songs.

The first half of the album is great save for a few shaky spots, namely Wicked Pussycat which is the weakest song on here musically and vocally. The second half is where the album really shines. Dead Inside starts off slow and quiet. Everything is subdued and, like the calm before the storm, you know this won't last. Danzig softly sings, “How does it feel when you're cold inside? Emptiness constant at your side, freezing every secret thought you hide. Motionless, frozen hell design.” The music explodes at this point, fulfilling the anticipation that had been built up. This change makes Dead Inside a very powerful song, one that sticks with you after it's finished.

The title track and Naked Witch deliver a one-two knockout punch. Both contain a lot of energy and keep the pace quicker. The guitar riffs in Naked Witch are particularly catchy. Angel Blake slows the pace down once again in a similar fashion as the intro to Dead Inside. This sets a darker and more malevolent tone for the rest of the CD. Danzig sings, “Angel Blake collects the devil's skin. The girls all pull their dresses up so Angel can begin. Piece by piece, they bring the beastly thing growing brackish parts for Angel's doll of sin.” Next up, The Coldest Sun explodes right from the start and keeps the energy high until the last song of the album. Without Light, I Am pulsates through to the end, slowing down and picking back up several times.

With I Luciferi Danzig has dropped almost all of the industrial elements that moved in after Danzig IV. The album has more in common with the signature stripped down sound of the original lineup minus the blues influences. Fans who were let down with Blackacidevil and Satan's Child should check this out. The extraneous elements that felt out of place on a Danzig CD are gone. These are some of the darkest and heaviest songs Danzig have released. The only downsides to this album lie in the production quality and the song Wicked Pussycat.

Glenn Danzig – Vocals, guitar, keyboard
Joey Castillo – Drums
Howie Pyro – Bass guitar
Todd Youth - Guitar

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February 25th 2008


I've essentially only really listened to the first four Danzig albums, not Black Aria though. This sounds worthy of checking out, pretty good review. And hey, another Danzig fan, props, not many on this site seem to appreciate the great evil elvis.

February 25th 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

Nice review, I'm glad someone finally decided to write about this album.

February 26th 2008


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

No, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of Danzig fans on here. Saw him in concert with Windows recently and it was pretty awesome.

February 26th 2008


I think this is the Danzig album that I like, I can't remember. Good review.

March 22nd 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

I'd say you've got it about right here, it really is a return to form from V and VI - and perhaps even IV (you could tell Glenn was either limited or low on ideas on that album, whole heap of repetitive "I ARE EVIL" type songs).

Only real problem with I Luciferi is the fact that Kiss The Skull ended up being unintentionally hilarious.

April 19th 2011


Album Rating: 1.5

This album is shit with a few ok things in it by no means is it a return to his glory days and im sick of people writting reviews of danzig albums without mentioning his first 4 lps get over it!!! this album is shit for a number of reasons 1. its mostly nu metal he said it himself this album is his answer to the nu metal rap shit that was going on at the time most of the riffs suck and are uninspired 2. it sound thick and underwater terrible sound 3. the vocals you can barely hear and sound bad let me make a point if you are the singer and producer of a record wouldnt you make sure you vocals can be heard?? look at every Dio record that Ronnie produced he always sings and sounds good and you know he's gonna make damn sure he does cuz he's the producer and no one can tell him shit. now danzig is a great singer, song writer, and is a visionary but not a great producer. deth red saboath is the best album since 4p even though it still has some of the same flaws as this effort.

Staff Reviewer
March 8th 2018


Probably the worst name for an album I've ever seen

September 26th 2019


I just can't imagine that the designer of the artwork really thought "Yup, that's it. Done." when he/she was done with... whatever this is. Maybe Glenn himself had fun with Corel Draw, who knows.

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