Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada



by Electric City USER (135 Reviews)
January 1st, 2008 | 1615 replies

Release Date: 1999 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Legendary Canadian post-rock outfit's most consistent release.

Do you think the end of the world is coming?

The preacher man says it's the end of time...He says that America’s rivers are going dry. The interest is up, the stock market's down. You guys have to be careful walking around here this late at night...this...this is the perfect place to get jumped.

But do you think the end of the world is coming?

No. So says the preacher man, but... I don't go by what he says.

That exchange is the first glimpse into the psyche of Blaise Bailey Finnegan III given to us by legendary Canadian post rock outfit Godspeed You! Black Emperor on their apocalyptic debut, F#A# (Infinity). Among the most important records of the modern era, F#A# heavily influences what post rock sounds like today: dark, expansive, climactic, and epic. The record instrumentally is beautiful; violins swoon, cymbals swell, periods of blackness slowly grow into monstrous, glorious apexes, but what sets it apart is the texture. Grim visions of the future spattered with spoken word snippets of North American culture make F#A# (and Godspeed You Black Emperor!) so unique and heartbreaking. Need proof? Listen to the opening monologue of "The Dead Flag Blues" and try not to shiver. F#A# (Infinity) shows you the future, scares you to death, and may just bring you to your knees. Making the follow up to F#A# equally impressive without stretching the proverbial Armageddon butter too thin sounds like an impossible task for GY!BE, right? Well if the formula works, why tweak it? Their very next release opens nearly the exact same way as F#A# does: Pedal tone double bass sets the same ominous feel, kicking off Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada, one of the most powerful listens to be had for a long time.

Covered with Hebrew text that loosely translates to "and lo, it was waste and void", this two song EP takes the sound F#A# created and compacts it into a thirty minute suite of beauty. Immediately, Slow Riot proves itself void of the apocalype concept with “Moya”. “Moya” doesn’t have any talking samples, and opens the record with a reserved tension. The strings are allowed to paint a picture that can vary with whatever baggage the listener brings with him, but whatever mental image drawn, it’s invariably despairing. “Moya”’s introduces the EP slowly, with the strings building on top of each other for several minutes calmly, and even it’s inevitable climax is among Godspeed’s more serene. In retrospect, “Moya”’s purpose is merely to set the stage for the true bone crushing finale that comes later in the record.

The thing about Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada is that it's more or less one song. Yes, there are two tracks, but listening to "Blaise Bailey Finnegan III" without first listening to "Moya" lessens the tremendous impact of the former. The second track revolves around the man whom the song is titled after. A pissed off, pessimistic American poet (though the poem featured in the recorded interview steals heavily from the song “Virus” by Iron Maiden), Mr. Finnegan appears in two separate places of his track. Godspeed You! Black Emperor undertakes the task of scoring his eccentric ramblings. They succeed brilliantly. With each swell of emotion that Blaise Bailey verbalizes, the group swells behind him. The scary thing is how insane Finnegan sounds with his rants. His interview revolves around his irrational anger towards America and the judicial system, with an ignorance masked as intelligence. He believes he sees the world exactly as it is, sucked of all beauty or any goodness. Godspeed You! Black Emperor matches his words with a heartwarmingly pure arrangement of music, setting up an anguished contrast between the fiery words and the chilling melody. The track trudges onward, like an exhausted wanderer lost in the wilderness, flashing between periods of faith and sheer hopelessness. Ghostly piano underlies the feeling of dementia that has been sneaking up since Finnegan began speaking, and a 2 note melody played with monstrous passion on the violin begins to place the listener in another world. For a moment, everything is strange, nothing seems quite right. Then, in perhaps their most powerful recorded moment, Godspeed You! Black Emperor let everything go. Finally, the fortissimo movement arrives, as the drums begin to run with a crazed urgency, the guitars soar overhead with melancholic pulchritude, and between both lay a gorgeous, familiar countermelody, creating a spine breaking finale that transcends average music and approaches the realm of other-worldly sound.

And as quickly as it began, Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada is over. The EP ends as it started: strings decrescendo, revisiting all the themes experienced in the brief lifespan of the record. The section is like a cold shower, thrusting the listener back into reality with a keener sense of the world. Like F#A# (Infinity), Godspeed You! Black Emperor are able to create a new reality for the duration of the music that’s eerie and creepily plausible, except on Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada, Godspeed removes the massive periods of ambience that underscored the end of the world. Instead, Godspeed You! Black Emperor gets a firm grip on the listener's attention, and treats him/her to 30 minutes of artistry with nary a dull moment. Slow Riot is an experience not to be missed.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
January 1st 2008


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off


January 1st 2008



Never got this, and I probably should.This Message Edited On 01.01.08

January 1st 2008


this is the first thing i got by them, and i had no idea who they were. definetely nice review

January 1st 2008


aw no atmospheric scene descriptions or bloated metaphors?

oh well, at least you have a quote in the beginning.

Electric City
January 1st 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

Oh I get it, you're Eliminator.

January 1st 2008



January 2nd 2008


cool band and good review Electric City.This Message Edited On 01.01.08

Two-Headed Boy
January 2nd 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

BBFIII is the 2nd best song ever written, at least in my opinion.

January 2nd 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

Great review. A lot of people go on about this band, but I'm unsure if I would like them.

January 2nd 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

Just try them anyway. They're too good to pass up just because you think they might not be your cup of tea.

January 2nd 2008


Should I start her with this band. Or is there another cd thats better to start out with?

January 2nd 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

I'd say get f#a# just because it's their best. None of their albums are really hard to get into, though. 'Cept maybe Antenna's.

January 2nd 2008


Cool, thanks.

Electric City
January 2nd 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

I got into Antenna's first and loved it, but F#A# is the superior album. I'll be honest, Slow Riot is a great starting point for them. Remove all the criticisms you could conceivably give to F#A# and you get this.

January 3rd 2008


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

Great review, freakin incredible EP. I always considered the string sections to be the most musically interesting aspect of Godspeed, and the strings are top-notch on this album. Great stuff.

Electric City
January 3rd 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

I'd definitely have to agree, they use strings beautifully. But I think the most distinguishing factor for them is their spoken word sections.

January 4th 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

I have to agree with the above statement. The strings are amazing but don't hit me near as hard as the "spoken word sections". Especially the one in Sleep. At least I'm pretty sure it's Sleep.

Electric City
January 5th 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

What does the section in question talk about?This Message Edited On 01.04.08

January 5th 2008


The one on Sleep? I'm pretty sure it's talking about Coney Island, I could be wrong though.

Electric City
January 5th 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

I know, I'm trying to confirm if that's the one he's talking about.

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