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The name Blind Guardian in recent years has nearly become with synonymous with power metal. Almost anyone who is a fan of the genre will tell you he has at least heard of this band, and most likely, he'll spend days listening to the fantasy worlds these Germans create. Like no other this band is inspired by the medieval fantasy worlds that literature has given to us, most notably J.R.R. Tolkien (who is absolutely one of my favourite authors too; did you guess?), and combines it with the high energy speed and power metal styles they have endorsed since their beginning as Lucifer's Heritage.
Now, A Twist in the Myth, as a Blind Guardian release, has a lot to live up to. Past releases have been described as nothing less than earth-shattering, and for good reason: Imaginations from the Other Side, and Nightfall in Middle Earth as well as Somewhere Far Beyond are absolute classics of the power metal genre, establishing a really high level of quality as far as this band is concerned. Although A Night At The Opera split the band's fanbase through the middle, the common consensus was that although complex and overblown, it was another milestone in the BG history and a classic of power metal, albeit not really suitable for a live setting.
Now, luckily, A Twist In The Myth avoids all this complex vocal layering wish-wash nonsense, well, at least, to a sensible degree. Of course Hansi will never stop layering his vocals, but it's not as over-the-top, and more down to earth. Of course it sounds stellar with the production, but it's way better to play live. They've toned down the grandeur, which in my opinion is a very good move; Blind Guardian are at their best in their straightforward, Tolkien-inspired blasting power metal songs, with the occasional acoustic medieval tune thrown in.
By and large, this album therefore follows the old BG formula, with some twists and touches thrown in (the band credits this as the reason for the album title.) It's straight up power/speed metal like BG have always done it. But, it features no Tolkien songs! What is this? Blind Guardian still endeavor on literature and mythology, with Lionheart representing Ulysses' travels to Hades, Fly being very reminiscent and probably also inspired by Peter Pan, and I think Carry The Blessed Home was written about a Stephen King novel (that could be another song, though.)
However, there are some really noticeable differences in songwriting. For a first, there's the folk tune on Turn The Page, which is about the Wiccan religion. Incredibly catchy, it makes me want to dance the night away. It sounds like it could have come straight out of some Celtic druid cairn in Ireland or the Scottish Highlands.
On this track, Hansi Kursch delivers some stellar vocals again, for a power metal vocalist, Hansi really takes the cake for most consistent and least annoying to listen to. Where most of his compatriots indulge in self-masturbating falsetto vocal lines (I'm talking to you, Michael Kiske), or have a simply terrible voice (ZP Theart, Timo Kotipelto), Hansi can actually sing five notes, and proclaim that he still has some balls to speak of. Of course, his German accent is quite clear in his singing and his so-so English lyrics (actually, I expected them to be much worse; when was the last time you saw a German speak proper English?), but he's an awesome vocalist, and one of the main reasons that BG are so succesful.
The other reason is of course, Andre Olbrich, who provides us with the much-needed guitar solos. Again, Olbrich never goes into wankery territory, but his solos always fit the songs and the rhythm tracks that Marcus Siepen lays down. Especially the ones in Turn The Page, and Another Stranger Me stand out as really good, and I love the near punk-rhythm in the latter song, the power chords sound almost un-metal to me, I love the various things BG try to include. It is also odd in the sense that it deals with inner paranoia, something BG almost never sing about; personal issues and mental illnesses is very untypical of the band, but I see it as a succeeded experiment.
The medieval folk tale is represented by Skalds and Shadows, which is your typical singalong at the hearth with the fires blazing number, of course done BG style, making it sound extremely medieval; but with the production stamp of 2006 on it. It sounds so modern and yet so ancient. The bagpipes (again! if it wasn't for the lyrics, I'd bet my boots these guys were native Celts) make this song another standout of the BG catalogue of impressive songs.
Of course, there's always a downside to a record like this. Sure, it's good old power metal. It conforms to all the cliches of the genre, but BG take those cliches, and mold them into their own form, adding a touch of themselves to the mix. But, there's always the risk of repetition. Doing the same thing twice. Although I feel that BG are very innovative and don't stand still on any record, nor here, there are two or three tracks I could absolutely do without. This Will Never End is a really boring track for an opener, I wasn't really blown away by it: sure, the intro riff is kickass, but the rest of the song is very meh by BG standards. Otherland continues in the same vein, although I love the chorus, I don't know, it has a "been there, done that" feeling to it. It's a good track nonetheless, and would fit very well on any other power metal album that didn't have a big BLIND GUARDIAN LOGO stamped on the album cover. The New World is similarly colourless as an ending, sure, it does its job, but it doesn't have anything standoutish.
So, where does this album rank in the BG discography? It's a very good record, superb release from an excellent band, very consistent throughout. It has some nice twists to it, especially with the folk influences, and the lyrical content at times deviating from the BG fantasy-based lyrics. It conforms to all the cliches the other albums this band has released conform to. It's not quite Imaginations From The Other Side, it doesn't have that classic feeling to it, but at the end of the day, this is still an excellent record, bound to get many spins in my player for sure. Maybe not BG's best, but still one hell of a disc, probably my favourite one of 2006. If you've liked BG all these years, you'll approve of this one for its consistency and innovations at the same time. It's a step back, but a step forward at the same time. I don't think good power metal gets any better than this. In short, it's a good buy for anyone who knows the band, and also anyone trying to get into the band, and if you don't like power metal, you shouldn't be reading this review. I'm going back to my Tolkien books now.
other reviews of this album |
Album Rating: 4.0
Blind Guardian suck.
No they don't.
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
They sound good.
They don't suck.
| | | Album Rating: 4.5
Weak guitar riffs, MY ASS. tame drum patterns? who the fuck even cares? power metal isn't about the drums. Hansi Kursch is almost never cheesy: his voice is PERFECT for the genre, and yeah, diversity is usually an issue, but as my review tried to set apart, BG always avoid that pitfall in my opinion.
What I gather from you is: You don't like power metal/heavy metal at all, which is totally fine with me... it just amazes me that you're posting here though.
Besides, have you even HEARD the album?
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
I love the guy's voice. The guitars are not weak, and neithre are the drums.
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They sound good.
They don't suck. Just learn to ignore this guy.
| | | Album Rating: 4.5
Is there anything wrong with liking simplistic, effective tunes? Sure, I like some progressive stuff too, but I just want straightforward metal sometimes, good old power metal, consistent, with some twists to it.
I don't care if that makes it regurgitated. I like the band, and I'm trying to set that apart in my review. If you don't like the band, fine. But this is an argument about taste, so please, if you have anything constructive to post about the review. I think I gave a very solid base for my opinion in this article.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
Pretty good review, but you could have described the songs a little more.
I think this album ranks last place in BG's discography. It's not as over the top as their other stuff (you say that's a good thing, but I disagree). It sounds like this album was designed for a lesser ear. Basically, this album is good, but it pales in comparison to anything off of Nightfall in Middle Earth or Somewhere Far Beyond. I think it was a step back.
Also, you seem to dislike the tracks that I like. Otherland and This Will Never End are two of my favorite songs. I also like Straight Through the Mirror a lot, but Skalds and Shadows is my favorite song on here. Fly and Another Stranger me suck and the last three songs could have been left off of the album.
Acidicity, if you think this band has a lack of song diversity then you obviously have never heard them or have no ears. They are the most unique power metal out there. Also, this isn't the album to check out if you want to get into BG. Nightfall in Middle Earth is much more diverse than this.
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
Just learn to ignore this guy.
Now why would you do that.
| | | Good review.
Stop the hate 
| | | Album Rating: 4.5
I personally don't like track-by-track reviews, or song details too much: I have the feeling it's nitpicking. Besides I'm not a musician myself, I'm not very good with technical musical stuff, so I prefer just to give an overview, compare it to their other releases, give off the general feel of the album to someone who wants to get this, to give the reader a general idea of where this album goes, and where it stands compared to the rest.
I liked Somewhere Far Beyond a lot, but I actually like this just as much. For me, it's just another step in the BG milestone, and there's nothing wrong with quitting wankery: I hate it when bands get arrogant and then don't get their shit together on an album. Although BG have never done that, and I enjoy every single album these guys have put out, I believe that a more straightforward attitude doesn't have to be a bad thing; and it isn't here.
Fly is one of MY favourite tracks. :P
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
Oh yea, and I've seen this band live and they pull off the grandeur very well. They put on the best concert of any band I have seen live. This isn't just me because BG have always been known for putting on fantastic live shows.
Also, I forgot to add that BG are one of the fathers of power metal along with Helloween. I don't like Helloween though.
| | | Album Rating: 4.5
Yeah, I know BG are pretty good at all that, hence why they're one of my favourite bands 
Helloween, I only have Keeper of the seven Keys part II album, and I liked most of it.
I also mentioned that BG have a long-lasting legacy with classic albums. :P
| | | I've always though Nightfall in Middle Earth and Somewhere Far Beyond were overrated. My favourite Blind Guardian albums are Battalions of Fear and this. :p
Good review.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
I don't like track by tracks either, but I like details on some of the songs. It was still a good review though.
BG still had pretty good guitar work on this album. I like this album and have enjoyed every album the band has put out also, but this album is my least favorite by them. Nightfall in Middle Earth is my favorite. I just love BG when they do things over the top. That's what they do best in my opinion. This album wasn't as epic or over the top as I wanted.
The album art is awesome though
This Message Edited On 01.20.07
| | | Album Rating: 4.5
BG album art has always kicked ass period.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
^^ That's true.
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
This album is wonderful. I really only dislike the ballads on here.
Good review, although I disagree with a large portion of it. Blind Guardian is like the only cheese power metal band you need to listen to.
| | | Album Rating: 4.0
I really only dislike the ballads on here.
Come to think of it, so do I.
| | | Album Rating: 3.0
There are no ballads on this album, but if you are referring to the softer songs then I disagree. I think Skalds and Shadows is amazing. Fly sucks though, IMO.
| | | /Is wearing ATITM tour shirt. :cool:
Good review, but how you think that This Will Never End is a weak song is beyond me. Honestly, that's probably the best on this album. It shows what the band does best: pounding riffs coupled with a completely epic chorus.
And WHY does everyone hate ANATO? I think it's the best thing they've ever done.
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