John Frusciante
To Record Only Water for Ten Days



by HASH280689 USER (1 Reviews)
December 14th, 2006 | 11 replies

Release Date: 2001 | Tracklist

Review Summary: John's first studio recording of his electronica-based songs. Great examplefo John'smusical genius and a good contrast of styles compared with the earlier recordings of Niandre and Smiles, and a great influence of styules that would later be found in the

"To Record Only Water for Ten Days" is a masterpiece recorded during the "Californication era". At this point John hads got into electronica and operating synth equipment and modulers. He had recorded many demos, 15 of whichy went onto the album (the rest can be found on the free internet album "From the Sounds Inside" from
Using his modular and synth as primary instruments, john recorded and mixed this album in his house. I rated this album a "4.5" because the vocals are somewhat spoilt by a slight speech impedement caused by his drug use, however if this album was reproduced in John's current state it wou;d be an easy 5.

On this album you can hear a new developement of styles that he uses on future recordings of his albums, with the chillis, and even his work with the Mars Volta. This album is a great break from the early recordings of Niandre LaDes and Smiles from the Streets You Hold. However the qualities from those albums can be heard in this album, for example the instrumental track "Ramparts" which has 4 layered guitarparts, which was typical of the early recordings; high chords, lowchords, high and low harmonics.
Guitar riffs from the Smiles era are also present in this recordings, forexamplethe riff from "Poppy Man" is similar to that in "In Rime".

Those those who say that this album is "john going pop" like i've seen in some articles should be raped by a horny buffalo while being bent over a pile of upside-down football boots. This album was influencial to many bands and srtists, and in particular Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Cedric Bixler-Zavala. This resulted in many collaberations between them (DeFacto- then the albums Shadow Collide With People and A Manual Dexterity- then the mars volta) and as a result they influenced eachother.
Each song has its own emoptional value with the constant theme of emerging from the dark twisted life of drug-use. Many of the songs are John'smere reflections. The DIY recording adds to the effect.

If you are going to download some odd tracks as a taster of the album, i suggest "Going Inside", "With No one" and "Murderers" (instrumental).

Enjoy the album if you get it.

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other reviews of this album
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Comments:Add a Comment 
December 14th 2006


i've only listened to Shadows Collide With People; pretty awsome cd. I've been meaning to check out some more of his solo stuff

December 14th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

This album is so fucking good.

Zesty Mordant
December 14th 2006


Album Rating: 3.0

good album, but no masterpiece.

it gets kinda bland near the end

December 14th 2006


Ok review. I've tried his solo stuff and it didn't impress me too much

"should be raped by a horny bafalo..."

Ya try not to say stuff like that. Its just their opinion. You can say they are wrong but its better to say why.

December 14th 2006


shadows is a much better album i think, although "ramparts" is one damn fine instrumental

December 15th 2006


Hey Hash, there are a few spelling errors here and there and the "horny buffalo" rape thing is perhaps not the best route to writing a good review but otherwise this is fine. Having said that, I don't think "To record only water..." is a masterpiece. It's probably the Frusciante album I've listened to least. I'm going to write my smiles from the streets you hold review when I have the time.

December 18th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

[shadows is a much better album i think, although "ramparts" is one damn fine instrumental]

hey dude you must realise that this isnt a contrast to shadows. i do agree wioth you...shadows collide with people is a much better album, but considering the expensive production of that album, and the fact that john records all instumental parts himslef in his living room makes to record a damn fine album.

personally my most fav album is deffo niandre though.


January 24th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Ya, Niandra is amazing. I havent bought this album yet, I have Curtains, Niandra and Shadows. This album is definitely on my "too buy" list (and so is every other Frusciante album). Pretty good review.This Message Edited On 01.24.07

October 2nd 2008


Album Rating: 5.0

this ablum is raw and catchy as hell. and on top of that the buffalo thing was hillarious, cheers to who ever said that. yeah this is a 5 no doubt. i know he slurs cause the dope but it makes it more real to me at least.

January 29th 2009


Was he a heroin wreck at this stage? or sober?

October 23rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

sounds like sweetness

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