Soundoffs 54 Album Ratings 4006 Objectivity 69%
Last Active 10-18-22 9:16 pm Joined 12-13-12
Review Comments 10,466
| unclereich I hope you get to man, seriously that sounds amazing. just dont die too fast if you do end up moving there lol
| unclereich I did a lot of study/research on east Asia as an undergrad and as a result always wanted to visit and get a bit more cultured. im in the states tho and it's a bit far and I have a very weak stomach for foreign food lol. very envious of your love for travel and Cambodia tho. what an interesting little country and even more interesting/cool to take such a privy to. you make it sound like a really great time and place. I would love to go someday.
| unclereich you ever ride scooters in Cambodia, I picked up a honda 125 recently buddy of mine said theyre all the rage in Southeast Asia
| unclereich dam man sorry to hear about the stones-. I can relate sadly, had one in my youth and have had some really weird peen problems myself ever since. had a scare earlier this year with it as I was proper pissing blood for days still no answer but it's not serious thankfully lol. had a few kidney infections as well in my day theyre horrible. you love that Cambodia huh haha glad you're treating yourself