Simon K.

Reviews 378
Soundoffs 20
News Articles 52
Band Edits + Tags 39
Album Edits 167

Album Ratings 2633
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 01-06-23 10:47 pm
Joined 10-07-12

Review Comments 18,371

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  • kildare Just in case you're interested I finally gave the new Shellac record another go and it paid off better this around. I raised it to a 4.0, more in line with yours. I think it was harder for me to hear Albini the first time because I was in the middle of a Big Black binge, and Shellac is mellower. But Albini's fingerprints are all over it, if a little more diluted from the bass and drum contributions. Great rec
    July 13 06:39 PM
  • Uzumaki Thanks for the heads up, man! You did an excellent job. :)
    February 5 03:53 PM
  • EvoHavok So cool that you did one of those for them too. I'll read it for sure.
    February 5 09:05 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity The London show sold out in a week or two. If you want tickets you'd have to sign up to the DICE waiting list and look at DEG reddit to find resellers.
    February 5 08:59 AM
  • CalculatingInfinity Yeah you're right; the days of UK tours are over for them. But man this s*** trend of just do London I've seen for so many bands. It's so lame, Glasgow/Manchester/London should be the minimum.
    February 4 05:00 PM

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