
Soundoffs 5
Album Ratings 1879
Objectivity 69%

Last Active 09-17-21 3:30 am
Joined 12-10-11

Review Comments 2,633

musical taste

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  • YankeeDudel Doing well man. I still rate everything I jam. Just dont comment or make lists anymore. Life got in the way I suppose. Hope you?re doing well also. Rock on!
    July 11 12:17 PM
  • YankeeDudel My list making days are over brotha. Everyone already knows everything lol.
    July 10 10:31 PM
  • I made a list asking for old skool extreme metal recently, maybe youre thinking of that?
    June 10 01:01 AM
  • normaloctagon Sup Vlac. I?m fairly openminded with my genres, what pointed you to thinking I like slam?
    June 8 09:46 PM
  • Trifolium We could def have a chat if you want to know anything, might be easier to use Discord? My username is 3folium
    June 7 10:24 AM

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