Soundoffs 23 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 9 Album Edits 28
Album Ratings 816 Objectivity 59%
Last Active 05-07-16 6:18 am Joined 08-28-11
Review Comments 2,579
 | Orb You have a DSO avatar and like DjRum too? Shiiiit can we be friends?
 | DoctorDoom Thanks, same to you. Your recent ratings are awesome.
 | Pon Willowtip have always been terrible with promotion
 | Pon ty, I will make sure to bestow my firstborn child unto you
 | Jom What a silly thing to be banned for -- happy to help. All set. For the record: it didn't appear that you were banned, but your e-mail address was awaiting confirmation. I pushed everything through for you so you should be all square. Cheers.