Reviews 3 Approval 82%
Soundoffs 5 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 32 Album Edits 90
Album Ratings 626 Objectivity 74%
Last Active 10-05-17 8:26 pm Joined 11-07-10
Review Comments 271
| PowerBlitz Rest In Peace brother. I wish things didn't turn out the way they did. We all make mistakes. I have dreams you're still in my life and then I wake up and I feel pretty foolish. There is no turning back from what happened. And I just wish I could tell you how much you're missed. You'll probably never see this, but I hope the world you wield is better. I hope you're in a better place.
| PowerBlitz The Dawn of the Final Day, gets close to actually rating Taylor Swift.
| PowerBlitz My cock definitely isnt sure about her now.