Soundoffs 19 Album Ratings 2619 Objectivity 76%
Last Active 01-28-21 12:35 pm Joined 06-30-10
Review Comments 400
March 2024: Depeche Mode, Hante., Boy Harsher, Saigon Blue Rain, Mareux, Profit Prison, Dead Astronauts, The Frozen Autumn, Iggy Pop, Clan of Xymox, Judas Priest, Pet Shop boys..., ,
 | kildare Hey Ladron. Things are great. Well, they could be a lot better. But they could be a lot worse, too. So I guess I'd rate today as a 3.0-good. Thanks for asking. You?
 | cycosynner Yo, thanks for the recs. I've never heard of SCALPING, but I've had my eyes on HEALTH for awhile. I need to pull the trigger on them for sure.
 | Ladron93 Here's my recent synthwave albums I liked, instead of making the list adding a new band, their new album with the tracks. I'm not in the mood adding them in Sputnikmusic:
 | Ladron93 Hey, guys.I don't rate the albums anymore. You can find the recent albums I've been listening to here: check out my drawings on tumblr or dA:http://schnuron.deviantart.com