Reviews 5 Approval 96%
Soundoffs 14 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 4 Album Edits 1
Album Ratings 663 Objectivity 70%
Last Active 12-09-11 3:32 am Joined 05-25-10
Review Comments 8,787
| Hawks I can only imagine bro. My cousin just had a baby as well and she actually is insanely well behaved and really only cries if she's hungry lol. But hell yeah buddy. I should've done it a long time ago. Finally feeling a lot more mellow.
| Hawks Thats awesome bro!! And things are a lot better for me right now. Getting my mental health under control and just trying to manage each day. Meds seem like they're working so thats a plus.
| Hawks Hows life been going bro??? Hows dad life??
| Hawks Its been getting better lately. I appreciate you bro! And DAMN CONGRATS!! That is awesome buddy!