Reviews 6 Approval 65%
Album Ratings 43 Objectivity 36%
Last Active 06-09-13 6:59 pm Joined 11-28-09
Review Comments 40
Mastodon, Baroness, The Melvins, Big Business, Diamond Rings, Twin Shadow, Yung Life, Helms Alee, Across Tundras, We Are Trees,
| Progmaster85 get wavering radiant... you have to listen to a whole album to appreciate Isis...
| MutnikSpusic check out neurosis if you like mastodon. It allowed me to discover isis too, and isis made me musical taste change.
| Progmaster85 yeah u may hear them at first and think "wow they are borrrrring" but the post-metal genre is very much like that sound. Try Cult of Luna also