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Reviews 27
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 41
News Articles 5
Band Edits + Tags 84
Album Edits 302

Album Ratings 787
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 09-05-21 3:13 am
Joined 10-04-09

Review Comments 10,157

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  • kalkwiese Of course!
    October 9 12:15 PM
  • Sowing Nope, have never done that one!
    June 4 07:29 PM
  • Jethro42 Hi Parallels...We're right into prog tourney preliminaries. Check out my last list
    May 9 03:58 PM
  • veninblazer lmao yep
    April 18 07:44 PM
  • Mort. yes sir we got destroyed. hence why there is still no forums and loads of our join dates are all messed up.
    February 8 03:07 PM

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