
Reviews 59
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Album Edits 61

Album Ratings 1185
Objectivity 69%

Last Active 12-20-21 8:57 am
Joined 08-18-09

Review Comments 860

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Arcade Fire, Dream Theater, Third Eye Blind, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, Muse, dakota fanning, attack attack, sillybuggersflyupwardsineverdecreasingcircleslikeFATchickenv, skyscraper parachutes, the sound of teeth getting brushed, really loud early morning farts, my mother singing, bratwurst und sauerkraut,

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  • DungeonBoy I listened to it in full yesterday, and wanted to let you know I think this is the best thing you've ever done. I was enthralled from start to finish. The theme was well executed without being cheesy, and the production and playing was phenomenal. I love the soft piano you used throughout, it was very intimate and really captured the vibe. Good stuff, honestly
    September 6 05:37 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey man! I do want to hear the new album :) I checked out the track you sent and enjoyed it but also felt it needed more context within the full album so I will definitely be checking, and let you know what I think. Ambient singles are tricky because I always feel like it's the entire experience start to finish for those types of albums
    September 5 11:58 AM
  • DungeonBoy Hey Grayson, just wanted to let you know that the new Rota Fortunae album is out now if you wanted to give it a listen. I made a list with a couple links to the stream and would love to hear your thoughts on it:
    June 7 02:49 PM
  • FurtherDown Plus, internet is full of quite cheap DIY noise boxes and drone machines that are perfect for this type of music, I used Nandamonium by Synthrotek, which is a perfect little machine, then this crazy thing: and finally some tape recordings. Thank you for your kind words man!
    April 29 12:15 PM
  • FurtherDown s***, now I see that this form probably cut my long description of my recording setup. Sorry for that, I don't know how this shotboxes work. :D Anyways, the album was recorded DIY in Audacity and it comprises mostly of Korg Minilogue, Korg Volca Keys and plenty of effects (mostly delays, reverb and tons of distortion).
    April 29 12:10 PM

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