Reviews 59 Approval 93%
Soundoffs 69 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 33 Album Edits 61
Album Ratings 1185 Objectivity 69%
Last Active 12-20-21 8:57 am Joined 08-18-09
Review Comments 860
Arcade Fire, Dream Theater, Third Eye Blind, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, Muse, dakota fanning, attack attack, sillybuggersflyupwardsineverdecreasingcircleslikeFATchickenv, skyscraper parachutes, the sound of teeth getting brushed, really loud early morning farts, my mother singing, bratwurst und sauerkraut,
 | DungeonBoy I listened to it in full yesterday, and wanted to let you know I think this is the best thing you've ever done. I was enthralled from start to finish. The theme was well executed without being cheesy, and the production and playing was phenomenal. I love the soft piano you used throughout, it was very intimate and really captured the vibe. Good stuff, honestly
 | DungeonBoy Hey man! I do want to hear the new album :) I checked out the track you sent and enjoyed it but also felt it needed more context within the full album so I will definitely be checking, and let you know what I think. Ambient singles are tricky because I always feel like it's the entire experience start to finish for those types of albums
 | DungeonBoy Hey Grayson, just wanted to let you know that the new Rota Fortunae album is out now if you wanted to give it a listen. I made a list with a couple links to the stream and would love to hear your thoughts on it:
 | FurtherDown Plus, internet is full of quite cheap DIY noise boxes and drone machines that are perfect for this type of music, I used Nandamonium by Synthrotek, which is a perfect little machine, then this crazy thing: and finally some tape recordings. Thank you for your kind words man!
 | FurtherDown s***, now I see that this form probably cut my long description of my recording setup. Sorry for that, I don't know how this shotboxes work. :D Anyways, the album was recorded DIY in Audacity and it comprises mostly of Korg Minilogue, Korg Volca Keys and plenty of effects (mostly delays, reverb and tons of distortion).