Reviews 10 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 69 News Articles 55 Band Edits + Tags 30 Album Edits 66
Album Ratings 160 Objectivity 64%
Last Active 07-11-20 1:23 am Joined 11-09-08
Review Comments 11,778
 | someone Hiya, whatever you've been up to these past few years of non-Sput activity, your reviews were stellar and I hope you are out there writing stuff anyway.
 | DaveyBoy Caleb. Fk, how do I remember your name (or what I thought was your name) after all this time, when I can't recall what I had for dinner last night? Hope all is well mate and you're keeping safe.
 | DrGonzo1937 Solstafir? Got into them through otta. Still been meaning to go through their discography properly lol you jammed any of their stuff?
 | Observer No, you're good. That makes a lot of sense. So a false sense of affirmation from random strangers? I get that. I definitely fell into that early on as many did, still do. Sound thinking. Still site history and what not. A lot of people have done similar things.
 | Observer I see what you meant. The site still changes certain words. Bummer you want to erase all of your stuff. Ive always seen this place as a growing playground, where being professional is hinted at and aspired to by many, but if not reached its okay. We arent paid here, and also thats why writing anonymously is an option. I respect your choice though.