
Reviews 2
Approval 87%

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Band Edits + Tags 259
Album Edits 64

Album Ratings 2451
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 07-31-22 8:15 pm
Joined 06-30-06

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  • coneren ALL ABOARD
    July 7 05:48 PM
  • coneren my email is
    July 7 01:51 AM
  • Hawks Jeez man, what an absolutely s***ty situation. Especially when you habe a doc that won't listen to you. I'm praying for you hard buddy.
    June 26 07:37 AM
  • Hawks Sup brother??? How the hell you been??
    June 26 07:17 AM
  • ArsMoriendi No issue with me. I mean I don't think anyone in there really thinks worse of you. Seems to be more of a misunderstanding all around, but do as you feel.
    June 26 12:53 AM

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