Demon of the Fall ToG is a good 'un aye, TSIB, ASTNS and Souls are clear tho. January 22 09:11 AM
Demon of the Fall lets go with "soon"(?)... your Neurosis ratings are making me reconsider tho. Yet "A Promise" may have pulled it back into contention - all very confusing January 21 04:13 PM
Colton you won?t be silenced on coltonmusic January 8 04:11 PM
Demon of the Fall I?m looking forward to yours. Happy holidays, hope you had / are having a good one! December 28 05:37 PM
Demon of the Fall I was planning on doing in the first week of Jan, then realised I didn?t care ENOUGH about 2024 to be thorough and got it ?over and done with? lol? still, I made SOME effort! December 28 05:36 PM