Gene Gol

Reviews 34
Soundoffs 3,754
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Band Edits + Tags 814
Album Edits 2,011

Album Ratings 3721
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 01-05-23 6:04 pm
Joined 05-30-20

Review Comments 6,769

musical taste

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Gene - the rater of either 3.0 or 4.0,

Yugen Blakrok Return of the Astro​-​Goth
For those who have ever needed a heavy dose of mythological, spiritual, fantasy hip-hop, this is about as hard as that kind of music can go.
Ross From Friends Tread
Here's an album that has the makings of something uber quirky, but never quite falls into that,staying confidently in the gentleness of bloops and bleeps. (Despite the artist's name, this is not a joke album)
Los Campesinos! All Hell
Campos keep on being the band I musically appreciate after a while more than immediately, but even then I really do not feel comfortable with just how much this album mirrors me in life. Ugh
Dr. Dog Dr. Dog
Dr. Dog make doodle music, but at least for once they make a beautiful, gentle-minded, starry-eyed, adorable album that is fluffy like a lap dog.
Lydia Loveless Nothing's Gonna Stand In My Way Again
In a curious twist of "I should probably know who you are", Lydia Loveless makes a genuinely heartfelt and lovely adult contemporary rock-ish album that is oh so fun.
Capital STEEZ AmeriKKKan Korruption
Steez's only proper album seems like a fun-loving, yet conscious homage to his favourites, his contemporaries, his homies, and his dreams that would eventually be cut short. Stellar production even in moments when he appropriates others' beats for himself and makes them work for a context often diametrically different to their original themes.
Julian Lennon Jude
Carrying your much more famous grfather's shoes is a task heavy enough, but Julian seems at most interested only in the trite-most outdated pop-rock cliches and underwhelming vocals and song-writing. What a slog of an empty album.

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  • Hawks I feel like he's not featured enough on it tbh. He's easily the best thing about the album. I gotta get more into his solo stuff. Debut could be a 5 for me with some time.
    July 20 06:40 PM
  • Hawks Hieroglyphics album honestly didn't do much for me which is weird because I love Souls of Mischief and I'm starting to REALLY love Del's stuff. Idk what the problem is. :[
    July 20 08:47 AM
  • DadKungFu js you rule for plugging less-known band's on the weekly release page
    July 10 03:17 PM
  • SlowlyFallingAwake Jup, thanks, you were right, wrong 'Ghost' band. I can't edit my input though. Weird how the 'ghost (swe)' wouldn't show up last time I looked up the band in the database.
    July 3 11:34 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki that is trrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    July 3 08:51 AM

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