Album Ratings 45 Objectivity 51%
Last Active 12-25-16 12:34 pm Joined 12-25-16
Review Comments 5
 | verdant heyhihello. i'm really sorry it's taken me this long i'm an idiot with a s***ty memory. this album is pretty special though, i've gotten through half of it and it's a really tranquil experience. Once Upon a Time in particular is lovely -- with your voice, it sounds like i'm being read a child's bedtime story (although the lyrics are more complex/profound obvs). not sure i feel comfortable writing a review on it (not just now at least) but you should definitely keep it up!
 | tcat84 Hey man, I listened to it. Very cool sound and love the production. Sounds like a book come to life. Unfortunately it's not really my thing, I am a Listener fan although more so of just Time is a machine. I am more of music first, lyrics second kinda guy. But you definitely have something awesome going on if you can find a niche.
 | jmh886 hey dude ill give it a listen sometime soon.
 | Sowing listening a second time through strictly for lyrics :-)