
Reviews 7
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 15
News Articles 12
Band Edits + Tags 4
Album Edits 7

Album Ratings 126
Objectivity 55%

Last Active 01-27-18 8:21 pm
Joined 07-15-15

Review Comments 6,263

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  • supremejelly Can't believe the last comment we'll ever see on that thread is my s***ty joke
    January 5 02:33 PM
  • TheSpaceMan Merry Christmas Ghost, hope you're with fam
    December 25 04:42 PM
  • zakalwe We are hated
    December 9 10:05 PM
  • Groundking They're only chasing safety speaks to all the dead bits in me, now off to obsessing over that album again for a week...
    December 1 10:09 PM
  • Groundking Nope, it's dead like the rest of me.
    December 1 10:06 PM

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