Trif O Liam

Reviews 22
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 18
News Articles 7
Band Edits + Tags 87
Album Edits 139

Album Ratings 1548
Objectivity 89%

Last Active 01-01-23 7:07 pm
Joined 09-13-13

Review Comments 21,498

musical taste

Currently Digging:
Sibylle Baier

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Submit brobdingnagian bozo
    June 27 01:00 AM
  • Mort. listen to shudder to think, jawbox and girls against boys
    June 26 06:32 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup Luuuuv you pheroooo ???
    May 27 07:59 AM
  • theBoneyKing I am well! Will listen.
    May 15 10:53 AM
  • budgie u blockd me ???????????????????
    May 2 07:39 AM

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