Soundoffs 2 Album Ratings 876 Objectivity 94%
Last Active 03-05-14 8:16 am Joined 06-05-13
Review Comments 613
 | AnimalsAsSummit new count to altek out if you are interested man! marry christmas to you :)
 | Greem thanks for the feedback, i appreciate it a lot
 | AnimalsAsSummit Awesome dude and no worries! Glad you enjoyed My Lords Poison, cant wait to hear what you think of the new Count to Altek album! :)
 | AnimalsAsSummit sounds good! have a good trip. and yea man, type o is sick! just started re-delving into them; when i was younger i didn't get what the big deal was, but i never really listened in depth. october rust is defs one of the coolest albums ive ever heard! bloody kisses of course goes hard too ;)