Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 12 Album Ratings 15 Last Active 10-11-15 5:24 pm Joined 04-18-13
Review Comments 4,566
| Motiv3 Thanks dude, I just got sick of rating albums in the end and was losing track of all the albums I did rate so I thought **** it and got them wiped. It's certainly much easier this way haha.
| discovolante Yeah man! I haven't listened to them in a bit, but they never disappoint lol.
| CugnoBrasso It's so good to hear that, thank you! Our new songs should come out like tomorrow or in two days, check them out if you have the time!
| AnimalsAsSummit Thanks man! I truly appreciate that. Here?s my last film if you missed it, which is basically my film debut. I did the editing cinematography directing motion capture acting story etc. had a handful of homies who really helped me to get it to where it need to be as well ??hope you enjoy!