37 Music Lists Found Mentioning Chimaira

Best Albums Of All Time My Gym Music Wooooo
Chimaira Ranked My Cd Case
Favorite Black and White Albums You Make Me Wanna Bang
Bands/musicians From Ohio Thank You, Sputnik
New Wave of American Heavy Metal The Metal In Me
Songs I Tend To Skip On My Favorite Albums TwoThousandandCore
Get Wasted About To Just Give Up On Mw2
A Trio Of Self Titleds Emim Teaches You To Metalcore
Great Album, Bleak Cover Random Stuff On Rotation
Bands I Have Seen Live! Pt.1 Albums I Like To Call My Favorites
TAG Groove Metal Holiday Gains
Metal Digs For Now These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...
Recovery Listening R.i.p. Chimaira
Top 20 Metal Albums of 2005 So People....
Dedicated to the Decade (2000's) favourite scene records
Supporting My Scene What??? Chimaira Is Underrated
Best Trailers Of All Time Chimaira Rated
Share your own music from home. Chimaira ranked
Chimaira Ranked


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