26 Music Lists Found Mentioning Den sorgligaste musiken i varlden

The Screamo Bible 4 years, 101 albums: time well wasted
Your favorite album under 100 votes Djunior's 2014: Top 100 Albums
Marsbro's Emo Journey I'm Sorry
Yak 2014 March 2021 Song of the Day
Pangea's top 100 of the decade Six! We have a sixth!
Underrated gems pt.2 (Black) Summer Listening 2015
DDD's 2014 picks 2/0/1/4
This is me Top 25 of 2014
ABC's of Screamo Fartuma's Decade: The Top 25 Albums
Albums That Need More Attention Screamo
SOUND 2020: Digging... Dan's Decade
Stuff In Swedish Vinyl hi-fi
Sadboi Fall Music with booze recs Aaroniscrunchy's Sputnik-fuelled 2014


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