Reviews 77 Approval 90%
Soundoffs 299 News Articles 431 Band Edits + Tags 736 Album Edits 449
Album Ratings 1553 Objectivity 72%
Last Active 01-08-23 12:33 pm Joined 10-02-12
Review Comments 15,272
| Support my friend's band Peruse
So as it turns out, an old high school friend of mine is the rhythm guitarist and vocalist for a progressive rock band and I just found out about it. I haven't spoken to him since junior year of high school so it was kind of a surprise when I found out about it. He kept posting it on Facebook and I didn't know what it was at first then he mentioned it was his band so I finally decided to give it a listen. It's pretty good, though the vocals could use some work. It's available on Bandcamp and is also streaming on Spotify. | 1 |  | Peruse Being Human | |