
Reviews 26
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Album Edits 156

Album Ratings 2427
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 12-19-18 7:20 pm
Joined 06-11-12

Review Comments 2,810

09.17.24 Fave 2004 Albums08.01.24 2024 SO FAR
07.24.24 Fave 2016 Albums07.16.24 Fave 1967 Albums
06.22.24 Fave 1978 Albums06.16.24 Evil Beach Boys Ranked (1977 - )
03.28.24 Fave 1987 Albums02.23.24 Fave 1990 Albums
01.04.24 Bandcamp Listens01.01.24 2024
12.19.23 Fave 2007 Albums12.18.23 The Top 25 Albums Of The Year 2023 Acco
11.30.23 Tunes of the Year11.15.23 Ranking My 5's (2023)
11.09.23 Listening Log: Part Vier10.18.23 Beach Boys Ranked ( - 1977)
08.11.23 2023 Listening Log: Part Tres05.10.23 Boyfriend In Survival Mode
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Bandcamp Listens

I like bandcamp. I always want to use it for listening more than I ever end up actually doing. Instead of a one-a-day album goal, this year I'll just stick to one new 2024 album per-week that can be found on bandcamp dot com
1 Yo
Hopetrain To Universe

shoegazey, post-Rocky
2Patricia Taxxon


This is sooooo good, I could have a lot to say about this. unfortunately i feel like the vocals are a sore point, but they don't outright ruin any tracks
Luid de


Good background ambient, field recording, bedroom playing
4The Dee Thees
The Dee Thees


fine pop punk. could be more exciting, but could be worse too
5Mitch Murder
Salary Man Simulator: 'Executive Edition'


Frutiger aero utopian virtual (wii sounding music)
Dated New Aesthetic


that vaporwave adjacent vgm sound they usually have with an extra few bells and whistles
7Da Flyy Hooligan and Wun Two
Nocturnal Hooli Vol. 1


The beats are fine, just a bit generic? Like, it's a cool soundscape i've heard a million times. Likewise, Mr. Hooligan has a good sense of flow but could work on catching the ears a bit more
8Chelsea Wolfe
She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She


I do love the industral and trip-hop sound on this. It feels very energetic compared to what I've heard from her previously.

House of Self-Undoing, Place In The Sun, Tunnel Lights
9The Last Dinner Party
Prelude to Ecstasy


Florence and the Machine with Queen level flair. If this band's an industry plant, we should be giving it the sunlight and water it needs because this is a very fun, solid rock record to have in the public eye. Also womans rights :)

The Feminine Urge, My Lady Of Mercy, Portrait of a Dead Girl, Nothing Matters
10Erika de Casier


very smooth. there are some songs that have production that pops though, and those are the best

Lucky, Test It, Ex-Girlfriend
11Allie X
Girl With No Face


Some of this I really like, very fun high-energy vibes and style. opening pair of tracks are great. there are some underwhelming bits though, every allie x project i've listened to has them. It's like some pieces of the pie don't get cooked properly. It's still a respectable pie though.

Girl With No Face, You Slept On Me, Staying Power, Truly Dreams
12Hannah Frances
Keeper of the Shepherd

Fast Fashion


Motorola Razr, Charm Bracelet
14Eli Keszler
Live 2


It's like Autechre at quarter speed. Calming but intricate, embodies the ambient ideal of being able to listen passively or actively.
15Cloud Nothings
Final Summer


Like circling around to the start. Reminds me of their stuff pre-2017

On the Chain, Running through the Campus
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions


Good modern production...nothing really stood out to me though

Halo Flip, Makeshift Tournaquet
17James Elkington and Nathan Salsburg
All Gist


Wonderful duel plucking, playing - melodic bliss for a calmer state of mind. Also a cover of Buffalo Stance

Nicest Distinction, All Gist Could Be Yours, Buffalo Stance
A La Sala


Even more sleepy and laid-back, but that's part of the return to form.

Ada Jean, May Ninth
Love Letters


Sort of like a bedroom indie rock smörgåsbord

Love Letters, Think I'd Be Fine Without You, Your Own Ride Home
20Full Of Hell
Coagulated Bliss


Loud grindy goop

Schizoid Rupture, Fractured Bonds to Mecca, Vomiting Glass
21Heavenly Blue
We Have The Answer


noisy post hardcore screamo

Glass So Clear, Certain Distance, Heat Death Parade
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