
Reviews 2
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Soundoffs 12
Album Ratings 385
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 12-26-21 6:48 am
Joined 05-06-12

Review Comments 597

07.09.23 recent vinyl purchases07.03.23 best albums of the year coming up to Ma
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Fav Releases of the Year

No particular order. Loved all these.
1Home Is Where
I Became Birds

Is this an album? I've seen people say it is a mini album and the band call it an album but it's so fucking short. I want more. Eagerly awaiting whatever they do next the dylan-eque meets the angular screamo is really tight and I also want to pet every puppy I see.
2The World Is a Beautiful Place...
Illusory Walls

Prog emo sicko shit or whatever Ian called it. This rocks. Find how the vox are mixed a little frustrating but i guess that is the pandemic for you. This album goes and goes and I love the two sections of dearly. Also Sarah's guest part is a highlight of the last song, go them!

This was a surprise for me cos like the name conjures up ideas of some messy southern post-hardcore, or hyperpop or metalcore but um this none of that. This is queer joy. What I can only describe as modern really soulful R&B. This is the most uplifting shit I've ever heard and probably the most positive album on this list.
4Julien Baker
Little Oblivions

It's Julien Baker but with more instruments and importantly percussion. Love this, indie-rock post-rock-lite turn. And heart breaking as always.

This is like the opposite of DEACON. This is pain as an album. Thankfully it's also quite short. But damn everything hits on this and so hard.
The Idyll Opus (I-VI)

This motherfucker is so long. But the story is really engaging and the music is always enjoyable though I would have loved a little more variation this is everything that i would want from a Dear Hunter gone folk-emo. Been following this band since their early releases and am excited to see what else happens with this project. So anthemic and rich! Banjo and corn 4ever.
7Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Theory of Ice

This is album is so gorgeous and like she sings on this one, which really fills out the sound. Gorgeous stuff.
Bird Like Men

This is an incredible album that utilises traditional waiata, Māori traditional instruments and classcial string instruments, the recording is so good and performances incredible.
9Black Dresses
Forever In Your Heart

Can they miss? Probably not. This album gives me so many different vibes, like some of the Pixies at times like hell yes!

Post-punk that goes hard with something to say (landback)
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