
Reviews 64
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 59
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 47
Album Edits 43

Album Ratings 1247
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 01-11-23 2:53 am
Joined 03-17-12

Review Comments 1,177

03.09.22 official sputnik retirement 08.05.20 My Favourite Male Artists
08.10.19 What's your reviewing philosophy? 06.25.19 Claire's 2019 mid-year check-in
03.21.19 7 years of sput08.12.18 A Non-Ranking of Converge
04.15.18 A Non-Ranking of Isis 08.16.17 EMO CROWN 2 - Rnd 1
07.28.17 Sense and Sensuality06.17.17 Albums compared to foods/beverages/tast
05.17.17 Just jazzy05.14.17 Ultimate teenage elitist
08.11.15 Musical necrophilia a.k.a. love for the

What's your reviewing philosophy?

I'm curious to know what sputnikers prioritize in writing reviews, both in the writing itself and methodology of evaluating an album. For example, how do you weigh an album's lyrics in its overall quality? What qualities do you particularly value in an album (coherence, technical performance, etc.)? How do you structure your reviews? Do you prefer to contextualize the album within its genre or focus more on the individual qualities of the album? etc.
Artificial Void

This is probably an obvious/common perspective, but I usually write about things I enjoy because that allows me to delve into richer, more abstract descriptions (which tend to be harder for mediocre works). It's harder to write beautifully about ugly things, I think (assuming you take a directly critical standpoint -- Rudy's wonderful Owl City review shows an alternative approach).

Moreover, I've become more interested in drawing out meanings and sensations, and feel less pressure to give a "direct" verdict on an album; whether I like/recommend something or not can be extrapolated from rating (of course) and also the general mood of my descriptions.
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