
Reviews 37
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 92
News Articles 9
Band Edits + Tags 98
Album Edits 333

Album Ratings 1461
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 05-19-19 3:03 pm
Joined 12-01-11

Review Comments 12,199

12.14.19 Rec me stripped down/Acoustic albums10.22.19 Building the Manliest Playlist ever
08.19.19 Greatest 80's/Hair Bangers m/01.10.18 How do you record music? (HELP)
12.13.17 Metal Talent Lost Too Early (RIP) 12.06.17 The Trve Megadeth Ranking
10.19.17 10,000 Posts.08.15.17 Bizarre/Horrible Albums by Great Artist
10.05.14 Just Went Through My Old Cds And...08.16.14 Need Manly Metal Recs
02.26.14 Recs Needed: Awesome Acoustic Rock/meta03.15.13 Workout Jams For Today
01.17.13 Dark/doomy/gothic Metal Recs11.18.12 I Need Elite Dm Right Now
10.27.12 Anybody Gonna Get Thrashed By Sandy?10.24.12 Top 10 Bros On Sputnik (trve)
08.02.12 Just Broke Up With My Gf; Rec Me Someth07.29.12 30 Guitarists
More »

Rec me stripped down/Acoustic albums

Rock/Metal/Country along the lines of any of these....Thanks in advance m/
1Hands Like Houses
2Sam Riggs
Love and Panic: Heartstrings
3Alice in Chains
MTV Unplugged
4Otan Vargas
Selected Sorrow
The Other Side
Southside Double-Wide: Acoustic Live
Show/Add Comments (17)


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