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Last Active 09-07-22 7:15 am
Joined 05-07-11

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Loveless Vignettes Ranked

Little treats for the discerning and diligent LP listener; transitions, fleeting bits of dreamy evanescent ephemera, scrapbooking seamlessly integrated into the scaffolding
8My Bloody Valentine

I had this album at a 4 for a long time, despite it being in regular rotation since first acquisition fifteen (15!) years ago, indeed more often than most of the LP's it shared that score with and, actually, more than most albums full stop. It's melodic sensibilities and rock structure means it offers wide appeal (I've heard Only Shallow playing at The Warehouse (NZ's WalMart equivalent) and Jeans West), usually satisfying visitors to ones home and especially those versed in the kind of 90's alternative rock Loveless had a bearing influence on. It's the favourite of mine that others are more likely to know, offering the joy of mutual recognition and guiding discussions with strangers and yes I did see them live! and etcetera. It's a wonderful album for sexual intimacy (not that I'd know of course!) and especially when you need to play something loud. And, 15 years later, I've elevated it to a 5 and it's *still* surprising me, and I *still* feel like there are swathes I haven't unlocked
7My Bloody Valentine
m b v

which is extraordinary, and extremely rare. And then m b v is just as good and also continuing to surprise me so is presumably possibly even better, should you be interested in rank comparison, which I am not for the sake of this list because i love loveless and i haven't seen these bits focused on so i'm adding to the florilegium of Shoegaze Scholarship. The grant I received was 10,000 euro and this is the result
6My Bloody Valentine

End of Sometimes - most tenuous of the bunch but the crunchy gelatin popcorn tyre-on-dirt coda is v. cool
5My Bloody Valentine

Touched. Very touching!
4My Bloody Valentine

When You Sleep -> I Only Said. Lilting sensuous ambiance that achieves more in 10 seconds than most Rock achieves in 10 minutes.
3My Bloody Valentine

To Here Knows When -> When You Sleep. Gorgeous sliding aeronautical tetris effect.
2My Bloody Valentine

Only Shallow -> Loomer. Mysterious harbinger that simultaneously contradicts and enforces the emphatic statement of Only Shallow, offering a glimpse of fuzz saturation to thoroughly clean our ears
1My Bloody Valentine

What You Want -> Soon. Lovely fluttery perfection. The split second where they lay the Soon drum pattern underneath it is a superimposed photograph of a lover. Clever and beautiful and fleeting (all the better for the latter).
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