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Last Active 09-07-22 7:15 am
Joined 05-07-11

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20 Favourite Novels, anyone?

not to be burnt even in case of extreme emergency. I'd like to do this like a SIGHT AND SOUND poll where everyone lists their 20, in author-alphabetical order, and I catalogue it here, not necessarily to discover a unified consensus but to unearth distinct and individual favourites for me to put on the never-ending "to-read" list - obviously I can aggregate data upon request. Let loose! Judgment-Free Zone except for 1984, which isn't up for consideration. List is Digs
1Space Camp
Gold Star

2666 (Bolaño). Read in English and Spanish
2Black Country, New Road
Live at Bush Hall

The Savage Detectives / Los Detectivas Salvajes (Bolaño). For the rest of the list, I maintain a "one novel per author" rule, but Bolaño is too vital to me for me choose between his masterpieces (with others waiting in the wings). Where 2666 is about convergence, The Savage Detectives diverges; in bodies, in geography, in purpose, in rich life. Lively and exuberant and capable of giving the high only Great Fiction can. Read in English and Spanish
3Lana Del Rey
Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under...

Asphodel (Doolittle)
4Philip Sulidae

The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
5Lil Ugly Mane

The Recogntions (Gaddis)
6Philip Sulidae

Ulysses (Joyce)
7Tetuzi Akiyama and Anla Courtis
Naranja Songs

Iceland (Krusoe)
8Toshiya Tsunoda
Extract From Field Recordings I-IV

Chronic City (Lethem)
9Dean Blunt
Give me a moment

Your Face Tomorrow (Marias) (read in English and Spanish)
10 Eric la Casa
Barrieres Mobiles

Ava (Maso)
11Sea of Shit
Self Titled

Flyboy Action Figure Comes with Gasmask (Munroe)
12Various Artists
Ecstatic & Wingless: Bird-Imitation on Four Contin

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles (Murakami)
13Sonic Youth
Murray Street

A Naked Singularity (de la Pava)
14Opposite Sex

In Search of Lost Time / À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust) (*technically* I have only read the first instalments, wanting to age along with the novels - Swann's Way at 17, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower at 22, The Guermante's Way at 27 - part 4 will have to wait a year and a half - but I cannot overstate how utterly astonishing the prose is, and I don't believe there'll be a precipitous drop in quality as I continue. I return to set-pieces of each of the three I've read often, sometimes for joy, sometimes for comfort, always for sumptuous pleasure.
15 Hallucinator
Red Angel

Tiempo de Silencio (Martin Santos). Read in Spanish
16Okkervil River
Don't Fall In Love With Everyone You See

Cannery Row (Steinbeck)
17Mark Kozelek
Nights LP

Arcadia (Stoppard)
18Francisco Lopez
Untitled #104

Drive your Plow over the Bones of the Dead (Tokarczuk)
I Care 4 U

Infinite Jest (Foster Wallace) (yes really)
20Joni Mitchell

The Waves (Woolf)
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