
Reviews 16
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Last Active 12-18-22 1:16 am
Joined 09-12-10

Review Comments 9,037

07.01.24 Europe05.07.24 SUPER SETLIST: RUSH
02.22.24 Erra Ranked02.04.24 Lydia Ranked
11.12.23 Do you browse Mobile or PC/Laptop09.15.23 Starfield Thread (no spoilers)
07.08.23 Playing through Sekiro again06.13.23 Surprise! Reddit always sucked.
04.03.23 Botw only has one save slot?02.17.23 Meshuggah Ranked
02.11.23 Dillinger Ranked01.16.23 Last of Us, tonight
01.15.23 Tear-Jerker Songs12.24.22 2022 List from lighty
08.06.22 Noisia albums ranked06.15.22 Stanley Cup and music
03.14.22 Some lesser known albums03.11.22 I wanna get back into Electronic music,
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Films I've watched recently

I've been really enjoying movies lately. Sitting down and trying to absorb the directors vision has been very enjoyable over the past few months. List is films I watched recently
Out of the Cellar

The Wrestler (2008)

A crushing character study of a small time wrestler reaching the end of his career. As he begins to reflect on the things he missed out on in his life, he becomes more enamored with the pain in the ring. Gritty cinematography and a performance for the ages from Mickey Rourke makes for a masterpiece. 10/10

Director: Darron Aronofsky
10Alan Silvestri

Predator, released in 1987 is a perfect action movie. There is plenty of cheese and Arnold quotes, but also an intensity when the Predator is finally confronted in the last act of the movie. Brilliantly choreographed stunt work and action scenes are shot very well, and the mix of 80's slasher and action make for a consistently entertaining film. 9/10

Directed: John McTierdan
9Warren Zevon
Excitable Boy

1981's An American Werewolf in London is an enjoyable horror/comedy that struggles to find its footing and tone. Some funny scenes and great Werewolf effects clash with a meandering plot and one of the most unsatisfying endings in any movie. 6/10

Directed: John Landis
8Brian Reitzell
30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night rides a fine line between skippable and watchable. The premise is interesting as a small town in Alaska enters 30 days without sunrise and vampires descend upon the unsuspecting town. The problems arise with terrible acting, characters we don't care about and no explanation of where these vampires came from and why. Good set design and awesome gory action scenes make it enjoyable for what it is. 7/10

Directed: David Slade
7Jerry Goldsmith

Ridley's 1979 masterpiece of sci-fi/horror is a timeless classic. 10/10

Directed: Ridley Scott
6James Horner

One of the best sequels of all time, James Cameron's Aliens took the minimal, contained story of Alien and blew it up into a full blown action/horror movie. Groundbreaking visual effects/cinematography and a few characters the audience can care about keeps the film moving. It takes its time, while sticking to the Alien and Jaws format of not showing the monster too early. When the Aliens are finally discovered, it is frantic and horrifying. 10/10

Directed: James Cameron
5Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
The Road

Cormac McCarthy's bleak realization of a world destroyed is brought to a devastating visual adaptation. Viggo Mortensen gives an unwavering performance as "the man" as he leads "the boy" through the desolate reality of the world. We are not sure exactly what happened to make Earth the way it is in The Road, but it doesn't matter. Like the novel, the focus is completely on the horrific experiences the father and son encounter on their journey to carry the fire. There is barely any color to the film, as grey and black dominates the picture. The ending leaves much to be contemplated, as the audience is left wondering what the fate of a main character may be. It is a bit long and depressing, as the journey was. 8/10

Directed: John Hillcoat
4Mark Korven
The Lighthouse - OST

I saw this film in a small theatre in Denver upon release and wasn't quite sure what to think of it. On second viewing, I absolutely adored it. I won't lie, I turned the subtitles on for my second viewing in order to catch every muffled word from Willem Dafoe's brilliant performance. The blares of the lighthouse and the claustrophobic cinematography make this a must see. 9/10

Directed: Robert Eggers
3 Mark Isham
The Crazies

The Crazies is a 2010 film. I had always skipped and assumed it would be a bland, predictable horror slasher. When watching recently, I went in with no expectations and found it very enjoyable. Surprisingly, the acting is very good and it's never bogged down by too many characters you don't care about. Intense action scenes pace well with more intimate drama and horror sequences. Without spoiling anything, I think this movie does it's part well to differentiate itself from the repetitive zombie genre to add something unique. The third act dips a bit as jump scares and expected plot points arise. 7/10

Directed: Breck Eisner
2John Carpenter
The Fog

This 1980's horror film has a great atmosphere and fantastic sound design. Some great scenes including everything in the lighthouse/radio booth and the scary story told by the old fisherman on the beach are memorable. However, the movie drags and isn't scary. 6/10

Directed: John Carpenter
1John Williams

"The first blockbuster" as many have labeled it, is no doubt a fantastic movie. The score adds an ever-looming sense of dread, while a nice juxtaposition of blue waters and red blood mix. It's well paced, with what may be the simplest plot ever executed wonderfully. 9/10

Directed: Steven Spielberg
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