Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 3 News Articles 16 Band Edits + Tags 7 Album Edits 5
Album Ratings 387 Objectivity 75%
Last Active 07-26-22 6:14 pm Joined 06-18-10
Review Comments 1,086
07.27.22 | I think it's great that you're playing playing metal again. I hope you have a good time doing that.
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist... | nomemomemon
07.28.22 | pog | Mort.
07.28.22 | one of you posting in the barrow thread and one of you posting this list? wow guys, way to oversaturate the site with your marketing!!!!!!! i can barely move for rotting in dirt.
(jk) | wacknizzle
07.28.22 | Just dropping by to say this slaps!
What do you play? | KotoFtw
07.28.22 | Damn sorry for the very targeted marketing campaign. We are working with a very large advertising agency and they really wanted to hit sputnik hard.
And thanks wacknizzle, I play guitar, nomemomemon does the emo deathcore vocals. | JohnnyoftheWell
07.28.22 | who plays the koto :O |