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Last Active 12-01-12 3:02 am
Joined 06-17-10

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01.11.13 New Mouth Of The Architect01.11.13 New Mouth Of The Architect
08.29.12 Great Metal Albums You've Never Heard02.06.12 Voluntarily Shuts Down
11.19.11 Knocked You On Your Arse10.08.10 Ten Favorite Metallica Songs
10.04.10 Bands That Sputnik Either Loves Or Hate

Ten Favorite Metallica Songs

Yes, I will probably catch a lot of shit over this list since Metallica is among the most hated bands on sputnik but I like them and I?ve been meaning to do this for a while. I?m pretty sure that someone has already done a best Metallica songs list but I?m not ranking all of the most obvious best Metallica songs. These are my favorite Metallica songs listed in no particular order after Orion.

Was in love with this song the first moment I heard it. No reason to really go into a lot of detail because most people know this is an awesome song. My all-time favorite Metallica song.
2Low Man's Lyric

One of Metallica?s most depressing songs in my opinion. The song is about someone who feels that they have taken a beating from life. All this person asks for is forgiveness in hopes that their luck will change. Not heavy at all but slow and prodding. Might be the only Metallica song ever that features bagpipes.
3The Outlaw Torn

This is easily the best song off Load. It?s kind of heavy but has a progressive metal feel to it. Still don?t really know what exactly the song is about, but I think it?s about someone who lost someone either through death or abuse and is spending the rest of their life trying to get that person back.

Really underrated song by Metallica. The lyrics of this song are amazing. This song is another song I would argue is more progressive metal than hard rock. The song asks a good question: Are we in control of our lives or is there someone pushing pins into little dolls of ourselves, controlling what we do?
5For Whom the Bell Tolls

- No need to elaborate on this song either. The bass solo at the beginning of this song is awesome. I decided to pick up a bass after watching Cliff Burton play the solo to this song in Oakland on youtube.. Pretty sure most of you have already seen this on youtube.
6The Unforgiven III

Was a little bit skeptical when I first saw this song on the back of my Death Magnetic CD. Didn?t know how they could continue ?The Unforgiven? but this is the best version of the song. This song includes the best lyrics of all three versions, is the only one where the bass is actually audible, and has a blueesy feel to it. Song focuses on ?The Unforgiven? realizing that in order to be forgiven, ?The Unforgiven? must learn how to forgive.
7Broken Beaten and Scared

The lyrics to this song are pretty straightforward. The song is just about picking yourself up after being broken, beaten, and scared. This is a thrash song true to Metallica?s roots.
8Leaper Messiah

Most people who love Master of Puppets hate this song but I love it. Song has to do with money grubbing evangelist/preachers who will save people?s souls for a fee. Love how the guitars and the bass take turns carrying the song in the beginning.

This was back when you could really tell that Metallica had fun creating songs. Not to say that they don?t now but, you can easily picture a young, drunk Metallica writing this song.
10The Shortest Straw

This song is another true thrash song. The lyrics have to do with the Red Scare and America blacklisting people who were thought to be communist back in the 50s. I don?t really like the lyrical subject of this song but I slowly feel in love with the it once I realized how fun and difficult this song is to play.
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