Reviews 2 Approval 80%
Soundoffs 122 News Articles 9 Band Edits + Tags 0 Album Edits 1
Album Ratings 896 Objectivity 77%
Last Active 03-12-15 2:33 pm Joined 08-27-09
Review Comments 861
| Too Short, Too Long, Just Right
Television shows that lasted way too long, not long enough, or just the
right amount. Paired with bands that are the exact same way. | 1 | | Weezer Raditude
The Office
God damn. This show was the funniest thing for the first few seasons. Sure it had
some slumps, but every show does. They should have cut it when Micheal left.
Seriously. | 2 | | The Rolling Stones A Bigger Bang
Family Guy
This show was great, but now it's just turning into a mainstream pile of shit (not to
sound hipster). But seriously, Seth McFarlane is the shittiest person ever. It's just
the same rehashed jokes over and over again. | 3 | | Aerosmith Music From Another Dimension
The Simpsons
Well, this show will probably be the longest running show on television. Don't get
me wrong, I love the Simpsons, and seeing it run this long doesn't anger me as
much as it saddens me. There will really be no end to this, and that's what makes
me sad, we'll just watch it get worse and worse. | 4 | | Yes Fly From Here
How I Met Your Mother
I love the shit out of this show. But this (hopefully) last season is just painful to
watch. I've read somewhere that if they go any longer they'll lose Jason Segal. | 5 | | Genesis Calling All Stations
The first season was so good! But fuck, did this show get bad. | 6 | | Red Hot Chili Peppers I'm With You
Every single episode of this show was great. Up until they did "Med School". God,
what a waste. I still count the "My Finale" episodes as the last. So I guess this
could go under the just right category as well, but eh. | 7 | | Slint Spiderland
Arrested Development
Don't even need to say anything about this one. If you've seen it, you know. Thank
god there's a fourth season coming. | 8 | | Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Spaced (UK)
This show only lasted two short 7 episode seasons, but was great. The guys from
Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Paul's first show. The season finales to both
were so good. | 9 | | Nirvana In Utero
Party Down
The short lived, two season Showtime wonder. Seriously, check this show out. It
deserved so much more. | 10 | | City of Caterpillar City of Caterpillar
Yeah, I know, it's still coming back, but it won't last as long as it should. Seriously,
losing Dan Harmon, Chevy Chase quitting without filming two episodes of the fourth
(and probably final) season, the loss of half of their writers, and moved around
NBC's schedule more than anything, this show is bad at existing. | 11 | | Bomb the Music Industry! Vacation
Just like Arrested Development, this one is obvious. Anyone who's seen it loves it. | 12 | | Orchid Gatefold
Pushing Daisies
Such a witty, quirky show. It was great and sad it didn't get the views it deserved. | 13 | | Porcupine Tree In Absentia
This show is great. It's weirdly funny and sad at the same time. God. | 14 | | Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Breaking Bad
Everyone loves this show. I'm glad the writers and producers are choosing to
actually end it with the story, rather than drag it out because of the ratings. | 15 | | The National High Violet
I liked the ending. Deal with it. | 16 | | The Mountain Goats Transcendental Youth
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Seemingly Joss Whedon's only decent running show, this ran for seven seasons of
awesome. | 17 | | La Dispute Wildlife
Battlestar Galactica
The new one. My friends and I tore through this series in just about three weeks.
Watch it if you haven't. | 18 | | Rush Clockwork Angels
FX is probably my favorite network. Wilfred, Louie, Archer, Sons of Anarchy, so
many great shows. As long as Louie continues to be written by Louis CK, it will
remain good. He's the last person in the world I can see selling out. | 19 | | The Gaslight Anthem Handwritten
South Park
This show only gets better. I don't know how Parker and Stone do it, but I'm glad I
live in Colorado, I get to relate to all of the stupid hidden jokes in the show. | 20 | | Deftones White Pony
Fucking funny. | |
12.06.12 | "List invalid because no Walking Dead"
Fuck you and fuck that show. | ILJ
12.06.12 | I hate South Park | DotEight
12.06.12 | South Park sucks, so do 80% of these shows. | Funeralopolis
12.06.12 | Don't get the love for Archer | Gwyn.
12.06.12 | South Park blows now, yeah.
| Mickeymau5
12.06.12 | agreed | DominionMM1
12.06.12 | "I get to relate to all of the stupid hidden jokes in the show."
like casa bonita? | menawati
12.06.12 | 17 - it got worse and worse after season 2 and the ending was shite | MO
12.06.12 | The Inhumanoids
one of the greatest shows of my childhood and only had 13 episodes such a shame | Cygnatti
12.06.12 | "Scrubs Every single episode of this show was great. Up until they did "Med School". God, what a waste. I still count the "My Finale" episodes as the last. So I guess this could go under the just right category as well, but eh."
yes | menawati
12.06.12 | You have a woman's bottom, sonic. I'll wager that sweet round pair of peaches has never been forced twixt two splintered planks to plug a leak and save a ship | Buccaneer
12.06.12 | Firefly was awesome. And I adore's just so annoying that this show runs the risk of getting cancelled every season but shows like Big Bang and Two and a Half Men get renewed. People just suck | NightProwler
12.06.12 | There should've been more episodes of "Freaks and Geeks". There, I said it.
Agree on Scrubs.
The last few seasons of South Park haven't been as good as back in the days, but it's still entertaining. | Spare
12.06.12 | everybody would agree about freaks and geeks bro. also party down deserves 50 seasons but it's pretty perfect at 2 considering they would've lost adam scott and others | Chortles
12.06.12 | firefly rocked hard | Tikicobra
12.06.12 | How I Met Your Mother is just the shittiest piece of shit on right now. | savagecabbage
12.06.12 | yeah 3rd Rock was one of the best ever.
Trailer Park Boys are better than anything on the list. | Funeralopolis
12.06.12 | how i met your mother is just awful | NoMeansYes
12.06.12 | Firefly is boss | AtomicWaste
12.06.12 | All true. Good taste. | Calc
12.06.12 | scrubs is prolly a top 5 show of all time for me.
this site ruined any want i had to watch 14 and i dont get all the love for 7 | omnipanzer
12.06.12 | "The Simpsons"
I don't think I've seen an episode in 10 years. Somehow I don't think I've really missed anything.
"I still count the "My Finale" episodes as the last."
Agreed, the med school season was total shit but the first couple episodes where okay while the original characters were fulfilling their contracts.
Arrested Development, Firefly, Pushing daisies and I'd add Wonderfalls.
Wilfred, Archer, Louie
Love them
Lost - never seen
Battlestar Galactica
Ended just right I was getting bored with it | OneMoreRoland
12.06.12 | How do you feel about its always sunny and dexter. Some of my favs | ViperAces
12.06.12 | how has no one made a cock joke already | Funeralopolis
12.06.12 | always sunny is hillarious | Trebor.
12.06.12 | How I Met Your Mother should not have passed 5 seasons | OmairSh
12.12.12 | 1 is fantastic, haven't watched after Michael left, but man the show is absolutely brilliant. Agree hard with 2, 6 (except that season 8 of scrubs sucks as well) and 7. Aren't the Rolling Stones more fitting for 3? :P. 4 is just an average boring sitcom in my opinion, nothing special. |