
Soundoffs 35
Album Ratings 1819
Objectivity 61%

Last Active 02-17-22 1:12 am
Joined 02-03-09

Review Comments 225

08.28.24 Synth Up Again08.08.24 Synth Up
03.16.24 Trha Ranked 08.27.23 Blut aus Nord Ranked
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Blut aus Nord Ranked

I've always dug these guys, but never really checked out everything they had to offer. Disharmonium put them back on my radar, and now I'm all caught up shortly after their latest release. This list includes EPs but does not include splits.
21Blut Aus Nord
Debemur MoRTi

Plodding dissonant industrial metal with few good riffs. Too short to find any footing and get any good. Next.
20Blut Aus Nord

Maybe I'd like this album more if there was a prominent low end on this, but it sounds like a bunch of drunks trying to make dissonant music. This could have potentially been cool, but it's just really boring. I at least appreciate what they were going for.
19Blut Aus Nord
Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity

No metal, just industrial. Kind of feels like knock off Silent Hill tracks. Some parts are cool, but others just exist and go on for far too long. Track 4 is really lame.
18Blut Aus Nord
What Once Was...Liber III

This is definitely one of their albums. I guess it's okay, but it really does not stand out at all when you listen to their discography in release order. It's kind of like a lamer version of Mystical Beast.
17Blut Aus Nord
The Mystical Beast of Rebellion

It's cold, mechanical, and dissonant, but also repetitive and kind of basic black metal at the same time. There's also a lot of lame droning ambiance between tracks. This feels like a beta test for TWWTG. This was rereleased in 2010 with some new songs, and they really just stapled a different EP onto this album-- the production job is even different! Those songs are better; doomier and more industrial, not standard black metal, but not a lot of riffs, either. They're not better enough for me to duplicate this entry though.
16Blut Aus Nord
What Once Was... Liber II

Sounds quite similar to 777 - The Desanctification, despite trading out that album's industrial doominess for the usual Blut aus Nord atonal spooky black metal sound. This feels like the B-Sides of that album.
15Blut Aus Nord
777 - The Desanctification

Moody, doomy, droning and industrial... but a lot of segments that feel like filler with few standout parts overall.
14Blut Aus Nord
What Once Was... Liber I

Standard black metal with a little bit of their signature off-kilter sound. It's fine.
13Blut Aus Nord
Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination

MoRT but with structure instead of trying to sound spooky. Like Mystical Beast, the structure still feels like basic black metal, but at least this album is allowed to flow without droning ambiance breaking things up.
12Blut Aus Nord
Deus Salutis Meae

Vindsval finally figures out how to make the sound he crafted on MoRT work after trying it there, on Odinist, on the Liber EPs, and Debemur MoRTi... dissonant spooky black metal with an industrial tinge. Solid structure and riffs to ground it, and it doesn't overstay its welcome with its length.
11Blut Aus Nord
Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry

Why is the production so tinny? It's still very good majestic atmospheric black metal, but it does not stand up to the reputation of its forebearers. It's a shame that the production is the way it is for what I can only assume is to try and be kvlt instead of letting the music breathe naturally.
10Blut Aus Nord
Lovecraftian Echoes

Feels like Odinist crossed with some of the spookier sounds developed on the Disharmonium albums. Good, but doesn't really stand out in the grand scheme of things.
9Blut Aus Nord
777 - Cosmosophy

Blut aus Nord tries out progressive sludge. There's a touch of atmospheric black and industrial mixed in, but it mainly hits all the peaks and valleys of progressive sludge's sounds. Solid, but meandering at times.
8Blut Aus Nord
The Work Which Transforms God

All the good parts of Mystical Beast of Rebellion juiced up. Industrial flourishes really fit the dissonant mechanical nature of this album. My biggest beef with this album is some boring interludes, and there's far too much silence between tracks. That silence gives you time to breathe, which is the opposite of the hellish atmosphere this album is making, and it's jarring in a bad way. I'd like this a lot more without that self-sabotage.
7Blut Aus Nord
Ultima Thulee

A very good debut. Very nice atmosphere, but sometimes that's the only thing a song has going for it. Still pretty impressive work for being composed by a teenager.
6Blut Aus Nord

Mash up the Memoria Vetustas and space rock and add a dash of the 777s to get this. I don't exactly know what I was expecting from this album, but it wasn't what I listened to. That combination of atmospheric black and space rock does mean it meanders at times.
5Blut Aus Nord
Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses

Great off-kilter spooky stuff. Shares a strong vibe with TWWTG, but there's no industrial to be seen here.
4Blut Aus Nord
777 - Sect(s)

Gritty industrial atmosphere that's mainly dark and oppressive, but a few songs have gorgeous melodies. If only there were more of those. This is just well constructed overall.
3Blut Aus Nord
Disharmonium – Nahab

Tones down the atmosphere from Undreamable Abysses and adds some death metal influence. Fantastic dissonant stuff. The third Disharmonium has a chance to upend my Memoria Vetusta simping if Vindsval sticks the landing.
2Blut Aus Nord
Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Ages

A step up from Ultima Thulee in every way. It's still atmospheric but without being overly so, the guitar tone is better, the riffs are better... it's impeccable that one of black metal's best was made by a teenager.
1Blut Aus Nord
Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars

Riffs for days while maintaining this lovely atmosphere. If only the drums sounded a little better... but it improves upon everything the first Memoria Vetusta did.
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