
Reviews 18
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Album Ratings 742
Objectivity 93%

Last Active 06-21-17 1:45 pm
Joined 12-28-08

Review Comments 5,714

12.22.16 Five albums of 201604.21.16 Modern Metalcore Classics
10.13.15 10 Phat Beatz From 201508.02.15 50 Albums That Rocked my World
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Sumeriancore Ranked

So yea, this is a ranked list of the Sumerian bands I am rrrfamiliar with.
1After The Burial

Yeah, the reissue of Rareform was boss. In Dreams was boss. Pretty bang bang
boom boom live too so sue me.
2Born Of Osiris

The Discovery was pretty pro.
3Circle Of Contempt

Gotta love cowbell and weird time sigs.
4The Faceless

The drummer must be like Goro from Mortal Kombat, nobody blastbeats this
fast with two arms. Hit me wid some more wee wee waaa waa melodic death
metal leads please.
5Stray From The Path

New album sounds phat, gonna check these guys out some more.
6Conducting From The Grave

I like melodic death metal/core, promising debut. Kinda poop follow up with only
'Monsters We Have Become Pt. 1' and 'And Our War Will Dawn' hitting the spot.
7I The Breather

Pretty talented musicians, Longevity rules but the vocalist is kinda poop.
8Veil Of Maya

Kinda like a more shitty After The Burial Djent Djent.
9Within The Ruins

Maybe if you didn't play music so fast and technical that it sounds shit you
might be good. Ranges from occasional flashes of coherence to almost unlistenable within seconds.
10I See Stars

Giving Abandon All Ships! a run for their money on shittiest autotuned vocals
11Soiled underpants
12Asking Alexandria

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