
Reviews 2
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 55
News Articles 23
Band Edits + Tags 8
Album Edits 38

Album Ratings 71
Objectivity 36%

Last Active 05-04-16 4:22 am
Joined 07-26-08

Review Comments 825

07.26.23 Mixed Drinks Thread06.09.23 Albums you think deserve a review
03.29.23 Metal bands with the tastiest guitar so03.16.23 How bout that new Glass Casket though
03.05.23 I miss Fair to Midland12.05.12 2012 (so Far) \m/

Mixed Drinks Thread

This is now the official thread to discuss mixed drinks. Favorites? Worst ones? Rec's? Swing away, Merrill. List is just North Carolina-related albums I think are neat.
1Sylvan Esso
What Now

I can get down with a White Russian
2Thelonious Monk
Solo Monk

Also a whiskey sour
3Manchester Orchestra
The Million Masks of God

Additionally I can fuck with a morning Mimosa at a shitty Sunday brunch with friends because I'm basic
4The Squirrel Nut Zippers

Don't love Margaritas but if I'm in a reasonable Mexican restaurant I'll give it the When in Rome treatment
5Glass Casket
Desperate Man's Diary

Absolutely not Bloody Marys, I've given it a go multiple times and it is by far the worst thing I've ever attempted to consume
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